You never see The Strubernator and that Richard O’Brien who used to do the crystal maze in the same room. Funny that.
I stand corrected on the date I did honestly think it was January.. However I do think that this court case that's hanging over him will certainly be giving him cause for worry and no doubt is effecting his mentality in more ways than one.. No one knows what the out come could be... ( clever bloke that no-one lol) seriously though, from what I've read, if it is true.. He could be looking at doing time... Which surely must be a worry... and a weight on his shoulders
I'm not sure, who am I to say, but I don't think they do hard labor these days. Which might take the weight off his shoulders. Who am I? I'm Jean Valjean!!!
By the way, I think we should buy a white cat in the transfer window, for Struber to sit in the dugout and stroke on the head while we're attacking.