It’s a tricky situation. I do my best. I buy about 20 albums a year. Go to as many gigs, a couple of festivals and buy merch. But there’s more music than I can afford to buy, and the price of records has gone through the roof.
It always makes me smile when you got to a charity shop and see a record you could have bought in EGS or Casa Disco for £3-5 back in the day for £10+
Got Spotify 2 years ago and now in my mid 60's I find I cant fly anywhere without it. I make new play lists for every trip as well as having it linked to alexa for when am stuck indoors. never thought when I was collecting vynil then Cassettes and after that CD's that this would ever be possible..brill
I spotted "Sounds good for nothing" LP in a shop in Liverpool a couple of years ago which I got free with the Sounds music newspaper back in the 70s. They were selling it for £15.
I loathe streaming. I loathe the business model that rips off artists. Maybe if the house burned down and all record shops closed. Even then probably not. hate football love Barnsley Hate streaming love music.
I wish bands who haven't released anything for a little while would do more merch. I'm on Spotify all the time and feel a bit guilty, especially when I end up in their top 0.5% for the year or whatever. You're never going to tour Europe again, so please just let me at least throw twenty quid at you for a poster or tax disc holder every now and again!
I'm still buying CDs. I have nothing against streaming, but I'd miss the sleeve notes. Without them, for example, how would I have known that Alex Lifeson played the guitar solo on one of John Wesley's tracks? Or that Rick Wakeman played on Hunky Dory?
I have a severe vinyl addiction. Thankfully, I turned it into a job! I do use Spotify for certain things, like background music playlists, but it is vinyl, or high quality MP3 for DJing. If I was streaming a lot for a lot of home listening I'd probably subscribe to Tidal TBH.