Wouldn't say they were the best though. When I dragged my son to musicals we chose things like Billy Elliot and Kinky boots, something with more humour and based on reality.
You might be right Helen, I might have just chosen the wrong ones...I’ll also add that I hated the film version of Les Mis, I have said that when everything’s back to some kind of normality I’ll give the live show ago,
Seen a good number of shows in West End and a couple on Broadway. It was never really my thing but my daughter loves it, and to be honest I really miss it now. Stand out ones for me: Billy Elliot, Sunset Boulevard 30’years ago with Elaine Paige, and Everybody’s Talking About Jamie (my other half has an “extra” role in the forthcoming film!). Oh, and Les Mis is a masterpiece. Saw Waitress and Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway - both fantastic. I’d say the Evan Hansen role is the best in Musical Theatre - Ben Platt was incredible. One I haven’t seen mentioned which is going to be on TV soon, is “Come from Away” . Totally unlike any other - about the planes that were stranded in Newfoundland when the 9/11 terror attacks happened. Definitely worth a watch. Standing at the Skys Edge also very good. Wasn’t fussed about Wicked or Hamilton.
I must admit I am not a fan of musicals, but fully appreciate that people do enjoy them. Each to their own, but I would rather watch Wednesday than a musical: please don’t judge me
Must try and watch that on Catch up - didnt realise it was on. Some great stuff mentioned in this thread If you can see a show in the West End its something else for me the most memorable was Miss Saigon The production stunning and a very moving storyline but I like a lot of the old ones as well as long as they are done well Oliver and Carousel 2 of the favourites of mine Not a huge fan of the Lloyd Webers but they are pleasant enough to sit through Starlight Express was probably the pick in the west end due to the way it was staged, though Joseph is by far the best of his stuff The 2 I have seen the most on stage though are Return to the Forbidden Planet - I just love that show and The Rocky Horror Show - though I am getting a bit old for that now as you just have to dress up if going to it - I did once go in mufty with a couple of more reserved friends and its just not the same. Most disappointing - Evita - it only has one song and most ruined West Side Story - its a great Musical which I have seen done well and also done very badly Once saw a professional version in Woking and it was dire ( seen far better versions by Am Dram groups ) only theatre show I have ever left at half time
Lovely thread Hooky F. Jamie, Rocky Horror Show, Priscilla - absolutely brilliant. Cats disappointing likewise Lion King (sitting in back of theatre didn't help!) Shakespeare - aargh - sorry Donny Red - anyone into Classical Music - have 'season ticket' at Sheffield City Hall - some excellent concerts/operas -
I'm with you as well on the whole, wife and daughter love them though so I have to suffer occasionally. I do like some musicals though but generally not the type that are fully sung like Les Mis and Hamilton etc. though there are exceptions to this. This would probably be my list of the ones I've seen, like and can remember: Blues Brothers The Buddy Holly Story Blood Brothers Cabaret Grease Avenue Q Rocky Horror Show
My personal favourites are Phantom of the opera - stunning JC Superstar Love Never Dies Evita Blood Brothers
Best show to watch Les Mis see it many times and also direct it too. Best show to actually be on Jesus Christ Superstar and Full Monty but I did play Judas and the Robert Carlisle part on those which were very special. The Addams family was good too. (Gomez in that)
Interesting Never seen Phantom or Love Never Dies on stage - though Phantom is definitely on my bucket list but Evita and Superstar dont do much for me, Maybe I just found a bad production of Evita but I found it boring, and Superstar is OK but not a patch on Joseph Ill give you Blood Brothers though thats a pretty good one
I wish I'd sung this song when I auditioned for a place in both the Dodworth and then Bolsterstone Male Voice Choirs. Sadly, I chose ' I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out Of My Hair' from South Pacific! * * Not really. I sang 'Moon River'.
Miss going to London and watching a West End Show. These are a few I've seen with the Mrs. Tina Turner the musical - Good songs and factually based on her life story. Brilliant atmosphere in the West End Show. Miss Saigon - Excellent story Phantom of the Opera - A timeless classic Sunny Afternoon - Kinks life story with great songs We Will Rock You - Enjoyed the music by Queen but not much of a storyline Time - As above Lion King- Based on the kids cartoon so a bit corny for adults but great music by Elton John
yes, like Choral Music - o.k. with G & S - choice between afternoon watching Wednesday or listening to Wagner's Ring Cycle it would be the former!
I quite like the G&S and have enjoyed a couple of lighter opera's - Die Fliedermaus my favourite - never tried the Ring Cycle it just seems too much like hard work but Id give it a go if it was that or watch the fowls
Trouble with these ‘best’ shows is I invariably sit there thinking which fking idiots put that above that etc
Going to have a watch after tea. Eldest daughter text me it was on last night but I didn't look at my phone. Im hardly watching live tv ( other than the cricket and sometimes Quest this lockdown.