You must, it’s long but superb. The film musical isn’t a patch on the stage show, whoever’s on stage. It’ll be quality singers all round, not Russell Crowe and High Jackman (as good an actor Hugh is). I don’t know what your view is Redhelen, but I think the best intro to Les Miserables is to watch the 10th Anniversary concert with most of the original cast. That is quality but without the stage scenery. Watch the feature film first with Liam Neeson as Jean Valjean and Geoffrey Rush as Javert - that gives you a great overview of the story. It’ll help you fathom what’s going off in the musical
My order of Les Mis was live musical, film of the story ( no siniging), film musical and then translated version of Victor Hugo's classic.. I think the 25h anniversary concert is on sky arts this week, Thursday at 6 10am. It's also on iplayer.
I enjoyed that but without an audience it felt very flat. Watching "You'll be back" has made me want to go to see Hamilton. I usually like Michael Ball but "You can't stop the beat" really wasn't his song.