theres no mention of the working class owning slaves because the working class were treated similarly to slaves brought in from elsewhere
And blacks enslaved whites - Ottoman and Barbary pirates were raiding the coast of England and Ireland into the 1600s and taking slaves. in the 21st century,, Pakistan, Cambodia and Iran. interesting read on the history of slavery
The Saxons owned slaves, the Celts owned slaves, the Vikings came to this country looking for slaves. Frisians, Franks, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Romans ad nauseum all were slave owning and trading nations. We neesd to acknowledge this but not use it as an excuse to disavow the current fallout from slavery that still exists in this country - the racism and poverty still felt by black people.
Be very wary of Wikipedia. It's a public site and it's content is posted by the public. This means any tom, dick and Sally can put whatever they want on there.
Barbary pirates raided the Irish village of Baltimore in 1631 and took over 100 captive to sell as slaves in North Africa.
Good read that however according to that article 46,000 slave owners were compensated out of a UK population of around 16,000,000 people so I would suggest that it's a fair assumption that no working class people owned or even part owned a slave.
All this slavery stuff is yet another example of how f****** nasty man can be to his fellow man. What a sickening species we are at times (and I've not even mentioned the Tories!!)
Thoughts. It’s a massive slur on the ordinary working people of this country to be branded a slave owning nation. During my lifetime I remember a time when it was very rare to see a black or Asian person. I was at college with a guy called Rouse and he was a bit of a celebrity because he was black. It’s the British that abolished slavery. Ordinary people of Britain have no problems with BAME people as long as they integrate into society. Barnsley had (and may still have) the least ethnic mix of any town its size. IMO - it’s rare to come across an out and out racist at football matches. The same person shouting racial abuse at a black opponent to get under his skin - will gladly hug and kiss his own black player when he scores. Vast majority of racial chanting is directed at upsetting the opposition. They might say black b****** but they don’t really mean it. Obviously there are exceptions at football matches. As I’ve said previously - I think I’ve come across just two racists at Barnsley Football Club I.e. a person that out and out just dosen’t like black, Asians or oriental people - or indeed anyone who dosen’t look white British.
Think you'll find your personal moral definition of racism isn't in line with the legal definition. What you've described re: football chanting is illegal and is an offence which includes imprisonment.
spot on,we certainly do need to acknowledge racism and poverty i just thought that shedding a bit of light on slavery and its history may go some way to show that its not just the british who took part in it
i know about wiki bud and how its compiled but in fairness it is used constantly to shore up an argument,particularly on here, so whats good for the goose is good for the gander n'all that lol
i worked with Tony Rouse at cortonwood, he was from jump/hoyland area, he was either a sparky or fitter,i cant remember but what i do know is that for a while he ran the mount pub in town , in the 1990's,i wonder if this is the same rouse you refer to?
If you can locate some real primary source evidence it adds weight to any argument. Wiki shouldn't really be used to shore up any argument though as it is littered with cranks with huge agendas. Not suggesting what you've cited in this instance is in any way dubious though. OK bud.
It's the truth to say much of this country's economy was built off the slave trade. It's silly to say otherwise. Aye, if you ignore all the countries that did it years before us, we were first. Who is the judge of whether someone 'integrates'? And why does it matter? Even if they 'don't mean it' - casual racism is still racism. It's a criminal offence and they should be dealt with.
I never said the British were the only bad guys-just that the British were bad guys, and ran the largest global empire the world has ever seen. Citing other countries that also had empires doesn't excuse the British actions. My point still is that we must learn from our history, not hide it, however unsavoury that is.