He's feeling sorry for himself. He's in quite a bit of pain and having difficulty swallowing, feeling sick, can't keep owt down. He told my Mum he was giving her the passwords to his accounts last night because he'd had enough. When his infection goes down he'll start to feel better about himself. The ulcer on his leg has popped (they're draining that). There's a lot I didn't realise until last night Helen to be honest. He clearly hasn't been looking after himself. There were black bits on his lower leg and foot. Hopefully the swelling can be brought down quickly. I won't lie. He looked a mess though. Weird thing is though he's still cracking the odd joke. I'm going to visit him after work on Wednesday because I need to get a few bits from home and see George tonight. Haven't seen him since Sunday.
Mate, that sounds hard. Thoughts with you and your mum. Hopefully he'll start to pick up in the coming days.
He's in the best place and hopefully this will be the prompt for him to follow medical advice, the older we get the more important it is, to aid quality of life.
As stupid as it might sound this infection could be the best thing that's happened to him in a while then because all the other small things that he's been hiding and covering up have come to light and now you, your mum and the hospital too can get him the help he needs and make big improvements in his life and health. In my usual **** analogy way you've took your car into the garage because it's got an oil leak and while they were fixing it they realised you've actually had a faulty fuel injector for the last year too and been using twice as much fuel as you should have so they fix the oil leak and sort the fuel injector tooc making things much better than they were before the leak. Tell your dad if he doesn't perk up a bit you'll send me round to bore his socks off
Wishing you all the best mate. Sounds very similar to the stuff my Dad has been through in the last six months.
It would be good to see him moved to a proper ward. He's been stuck on the Acute Assessment Unit since Saturday. He isn't in a proper bed and didn't look comfortable. I wasn't impressed but I didn't say anything to the nurses because I didn't have anything to compare his treatment to. I will on Wednesday. He hadn't seen a Doctor since Sunday and hasn't eaten since Thursday. They gave him gaviscon at his request but that just made him sick.
Glad things are being gotten on top of. If he complains too much tell him if he doesn't quit moaning you're going to bring him in the full matches of our Exeter, Bolton and Morecambe games to watch.
Just tell him to not give her the pornhub password if he's handing them over Hope he gets better soon, on a serious note
Update on my Dad. He's home now being attended to by district nurses because they couldn't get him a bed at Pinderfields due to. infection risk. He's over his sepsis, MRSA and cellulitis which is the main thing now. Thanks everyone for their kind words. It really means a lot .