Hmmmm, whilst that's true in that the majority shareholders held sway in terms of decisions taken, there are things that a director can and should do if they feel those decisions are not in the best interests of the company. They can ensure their dissent is clearly minuted, if they hold more than 10% (I think ) shareholding they can call a general meeting to express concerns, if the decisions threaten the company's solvency and we know now that they clearly did, they can seek legal advice and / or express concerns with auditors and ultimately they can resign. And whilst it may have been unethical they could have expressed concerns to the press. Have I missed a communication that they took any of these steps? I get that ultimately they took action to oust Conway and Lee and I'm grateful for that. And if there's any evidence that they took any of the above actions then I'll stand corrected but as yet, I haven't seen any. And so I conclude that they didn't and as such imo they can't abdicate resonsibility.