Just me taking advantage by the looks of it! Been lying in til 10/ 11am some days! Partly because our cat has had us up in the night bringing in late night hunting "gifts" that she proceeds to chase around the house. But also, because we can. Going back to work routine will be a nightmare!
Wake up at various points in the night when my cat decides to sniff my face at point blank range to check if i'm alive or not (I presume). Normally get up at 6am but due to no commute now I'm getting up at 7ish.
With me and wife being furloughed and my daughter off school i've been waking up later and later. Not even setting an alarm atm.
Usually I set my alarm for 7am or 7:30am and I really struggle to get up at that time. I usually pay in bed format least half an hour trying to convince myself to get up. But oddly I've been waking up around 6am now and getting up straight away. No idea how or why
Getting ready for work. I have to leave at 6:45am so I could maybe get up a bit later but showering, breakfasting, getting dressed, taking dog out/feeding her, making lunch etc. easily fills that time. It takes about 50mins to get to work if traffic is ok and I start at 7:45am.
I didn't realise your commute was so far. I hate when it takes me half an hour in traffic nevermind 50 minutes on a good day. Also didn't realise you started so early. Is that when the school day starts or are you there earlier for people to come in before school?
Rarely I get more than 4 hours a night, but reading this thread it appears I'm not alone. Which is both comforting and depressing. You kind of hope it's not just you, but then you don't want anyone else to have it because it's crap.
It's a funny thing sleep from being 16 to 40-year old I worked 3 shifts Days, Neets and Afters and when I lost my job at the pit it took a good 2 years to get back to normal sleeping.
Wake up for work at around 5.30am. Never need an alarm, blackbirds wake me up every morning in spring. Friday nights are best lie in til 8 on a saturday when I’m not working. Bliss.
In these days of captivity - I get up at 9 - look out of the window - walk down stairs - have something to eat - watch tele for an hour - back in bed by 10 ish to recover from exertion of eating mi breakfast - have another hour asleep - then lay in bed thinking about what I should do the rest of the day - then look out of the window - then get back in bed and think about things. Dosen’t time fly when yer having fun? It does for me anyway.