I actually think it's a very worrying trend, and will be having a profound impact on people's mental health. Sleep patterns are becoming very erratic. Either because people are struggling to sleep, or unknowingly slipping into a lethargy spiral. This phrase 'it's the new normal' seems to be creeping into daily vocabulary. Nothing remotely normal about it, for me. I'm personally all over the place, and genuinely don't know what day it is, most of the time. I literally have to check.
Do you ever have the same nightmare as me? The one where the new bridge over the railway crossing has been completed, but you're not allowed out to use it?
Make yourself a loose sort of timetable to keep some structure. Get up at the same time and eat meals at the same time each day to give a basic outline and then add in other things in between at set times e.g. exercise, gardening, learning something, cleaning etc. Then relax it on a weekend.
About 90% of any nightmares I have involve being back at the pit. So something there that’s mentally disturbed me. Also other dreams can often determine what mood I’m in for the rest of the day. Regularly wake up and hear a record note for note playing in my head - some of the records I haven’t heard for years. Bed is my natural habitat. Thats where I’m at my best - both physically and mentally.