Haha if you're going to post a daft conspiracy theory thread you've got to expect to have the urine extracted I'm afraid!! Saying that, I once watched this movie about this shark that went round killing people and then I read in the news once that someone had been attacked by one. Coincidence? I think not!
I discovered a couple of unknown films myself: The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind. I've done my research on them and it appears they're not part of the Covid-19 conspiracy theory, but they're quite good, I'd recommend them.
‘People’ are also talking about the earth being flat, vaccines causing autism and 5G masts spreading a virus on Facebook, Twitter et al, doesn’t make those anything close to credible, either.
I think the wicked witch of the west’s Winged Monkeys are spreading the virus. It all makes sense now
I also once saw a film about a man who could talk to animals and then a few years later checked Youtube and lo and behold these birds that were green and red could suddenly speak. I reckon the government are doing experiments and implanting them with voice boxes and shít.
That's what the clapping and fireworks are for. They use the noise to mask shooting all the faulty ones and the ones that have evolved to say naughty words.
I think Coronaviruses have been around for quite a while,the Sars virus is a Corona virus. There was a interesting couple of Horizon programmes on BBC in the last couple of weeks, which you might find interesting. As a former nurse,I find all the misinformation and lies out there quite disturbing;also the blame game from Right Wingers.
I once saw a tv programme that made fun of garlic bread being the future..... but it made it big! Spooky
you have heard of Ebola, right? Been around for years, associated with bats, hardly a big stretch for the film makers
A number of virii that cause the common cold are coronavirii (the majority are rhinovirii). SARS was a coronavirus, as is Feline Coronavirus and similar in a number of other species.