i'd like to see this thread continue throughout the lockdown. could be the greatest thread in the history of bbs. cheers @TrueRed92
Its a good watch mate. First half hour is literally like watching BBC News 24 .......... and the last 2 mins is a nice twist. Enjoy
I saw a film called Snakes on a Plane once. Then I heard it's possible to actually take your snake on a plane. Coincidence?
Things like this really do get you thinking. When I was a wee lad, my parents and sister used to tease me by singing 'Andy Pandy, Pudding and Pie" ........................... and now, almost 50 years down the line, all I do all day is eat Puddings and Pies. Prophetic to say the least.
I saw the spin off a couple of days ago, literally. Crabs on a Plane There’s the video over on t’Facebook
I can’t believe nobody has twigged that the Simpson’s are responsible for Trump being President. It’s all a giant conspiracy theory
I'm hearing that at today's press conference Boris Johnson is set to announce that he's going to get Superman to fly really really fast around the world to turn back time to December so he can order a shitload of ventilators and PPE.