Not if you've just landed on a beach near Dover or been pulled out of the Channel by the RNLI. Or if you're a child picked up by traffickers near a "secure" detention centre....
For anyone who's not read it and can't understand why the people went along with persecuting the Jews, read "Ordinary Men" by Christopher R Browning.
I'm a Labour supporter, under Corbyn I was anti jewish & now I'm not apparently? Seriously though I visited Dachau concentration camp, was eerie to say the least & suprisingly near the town, a humbling experience.
Thats an horrendous stat. And anti semitism is creeping back with all these conspiracy theories on the internet.
Indeed Helen, I have to be honest and say I plucked it from FB and haven’t t fact checked it but thought it was thought provoking enough to share.
It sounds right and as you say 'thought provoking.' Whilst the focus is on Nazi Germany it should be noted that many other European countries - Norway France Hungary Romania Slovakia Holland Ukraine etc. deported/killed many thousands of Jews. Reports of Polish people handing over Jews to the Nazis. These countries following the same maxim as Nazi Germany to have 'ethnically pure nations.' ''It is not always recognised that German Jews made up a few percent of the Holocaust's victims .......most were slaughtered face to face in other European countries before the SS Death Camps were conceived...........millions died not in gas chambers but gunned down en-masse in fields forests and swamps in their home towns/countries - others starved and worked to death.'' Something these countries are keeping very quiet about! from 'The Holocaust an Unfinished History' Dan Stone.
Horrific mate. That's where racism gets us to in the end. Logical conclusion for hatred and persecution is to simply eliminate people. We should always stand up against persecution and racism. Jews are human beings just like everyone else. The sooner we appreciate that everyone on the planet is a human being the better off we'll be.
Not an expert on European Political History but I’m guessing that if it was as widespread as that it was driven by Politics in the years before the war that condition people.
(my Czech born grandmother who wasn't Jewish was a political prisoner during WW2 - when released in 1945 she wasn't able to return 'home' - finally ended up in the UK.) After the war because some countries closed their borders (especially Eastern European countries) to the Jews and because of ongoing anti-semitism many Jewish survivors failed to return home. Britain 'allowed' Jews to move to the New State of Israel - formed in 1948. The focus of the Holocaust has always been on Germany - the reality was that there was a lot of 'anti-sematic' activity in most other European countries which had been going on well before the onset of WW2. And it's worth keeping in mind that it is the descendants of these anti-semites that are running these countries today!
Surely you mean the Soviets closed the borders to Eastern Europe. To everyone. America refused to allow entry to Jews, Slavs and Catholics. “We don’t want any rats. We’ve got enough of them already.” Senator Alexander Wiley. The UK desperately tried to stop Poles, Ukrainians and Jews entering, but a revolt on the House of Commons from MPs (who'd served in the armed forces alongside the Poles) led to 150,000 being allowed entry.
I just did the calculation, it's actually 17 years based on 9 million. But there seems to be quite a few numbers bandied about. 9 million / 60 / 24 / 365 = 17.12 years.
In 1947, the UK rounded up and deported a number of Chinese sailors from the Liverpool area - sailors who had been in the merchant navy during the war, so actual war heroes. Many of these sailors had families in the Liverpool area - who didn't find out what had happened to them until decades later... And one thing we forget is that a number of people were deported from the Channel Islands after the invasion there, and an area of Alderney (Lager Sylt) was made into a concentration camp.
There are lot of things that we don't so much 'forget' but were never supposed to know in the first place...
Like the UK being the last country in Europe to have concentration camps? at Long Kesh in NI. (
Just remember, Facism doesn't start with concentration camps, that's where it ends.... Fascists need to be exposed and taken down wherever they come from, the sooner the better, before the rot sets in.