I did, it's in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Mind you before 1982, I though the Falklands were between Scotland and Iceland
Watch "Round the World in 80 Days". As you travel in an easterly direction, each day (as defined by the rising and setting sun) is actually slightly shorter than 24 hours. The story is based on the fact that travelling at the speeds of the time this would mean that in about 80 days that small bit of time "lost" on each day adds up to 24 hours. Hence they arrive back in London thinking it had taken 81 days (81 sunsets) it was actually only 80 24-hour days. Simple.
Well, we all know what happens when you try to explain a joke.......but in this case it was a crap attempt on my part
You've lost me, kid. I think the person I referenced had just crossed the international dateline on their birthday, hence the two birthdays in one (two?) days
Mmmmm.....it was also a question on QI. What is the only man made object visible from space? No it's not the great wall, it is of course Sheffield Wednesday. Nothing else is half as "Massive".
For Canada, Vancouver and Whitehorse are closer to Japan than they are to St Johns in Newfoundland. St Johns in Newfoundland is closer to Europe than it is to Vancouver and Whitehorse. One of the strangest flights I've taken was from Vancouver to Whitehorse. We took off after sunset and it got lighter as we flew north so we could watch the sunset again after we landed.
Well, clearly it was something to do with the substandard material they were made out of, and nothing to do with me having worn them for years and years and years
But sandals are all open and well ventilated so foot odour shouldn't be a problem for normal people. I'd hate to get within a hundred yards of a pair of your trainers...
well that’s charming! I don’t know what the reason was, but take it from me, those sandals honked, although I never noticed it when I packed them. They did smell quite lovely after I washed them though.
There's a few threads on similar subjects. So to keep the theme. How far is it from Cheltenham to hawaii,and does Michael Duff realise?
Sorry mate, I didn't mean to be quite so personal. But you must have really smelly feet I have a brother 10 years older than me and we shared a bedroom when I was about 10. He was a joiner on building sites and I had to hold my breath to get out of the room past his socks. You're not him are you?
What amuses me is Americans always throw the "Evil British Empire" around, with no sense of irony whatsoever about the history of places like Hawaii.