Wow, they dun't write threads like this anymore do they lol. I fear theres been a slight over reaction if its just based on the first game. But I dun't blame fans who have had enough, because a lot of trust and faith etc has got to be earned.
The shirt sponsor position, along with the fact both Helik and Styles are still with the club, may indicate a resolve to hold out for a better deal. Not getting a sponsor may be the reluctance to sell out cheaply and hold out for more, the same may be true for the sales of both Helik and Styles. The issue facing the club is the desperate need for cash which may force the club’s hand. I’m sure it’s not just the budding accountants on here that realise the club is skint. Neerav confirmed as much in his first press conference. He also said the new board should be judged by their actions. Spectemur Agendo as some may say.
The problem is that the value of the sponsorship is decreasing with every passing day and significantly so with every passing game that the new shirts would usually have been worn in. 3? So far
It could also equally indicate no one is interested in them enough to bid for them or a so called descent size bid ,just pick our pockets bid And also no one is interested in sponsoring Barnsley Apparently not even the people who "own"(No idea if they have even paid for it yet) the club. How many of them are there ,and not one of them has a business they can sponsor the club with which is pretty much what the first thing owner/s do who buy into a football team use a company they own to sponsor the club Bizarre.
How many people? At least 9 I don't know the shareholdings of Oakwell Holdings but the directors are Jean, James and Robert zuk. Pacific Media is Conway and hung. Jameke is most likely a group of people Lee Pollock is a dos process agent of LP330 which suggests he is only the representative of the organisation rather than sole owner. In reality the number could be in the dozens