Tricky one. If Adam Hammill was going to start every week it would be a no brainer. There's very few assured of a starting place week in week out though so I'd probably still give it to Adam and ad hoc when he's not in the team.
But you can't have your captain bringing up the rear and hopping onto the pitch can you. He needs to lead the team out and that would interfere with Hamill's pre-match routine.
Really can't see Adam getting it. Not sure how much he'll get in the team to the end of the season. I think he's a great ambassador for the club though.
Given Davies seems to be the most sure of his place in the starting lineup, I reckon he'll just keep the armband for the rest of the season. I've never been a fan of have the goalkeeper be the captain as he's often far away from the ref, but given he's been wearing it for the last few months I doubt that anything will change. Especially without a new goalkeeper coming in.
Hope not. Changes have been wrung for a reason. We have lacked leadership on the park. Davies has had a poor season. I think he'll stay as vice captain though, with Mills as captain.
No idea if mills is any good. For me it’s got to be someone that’s actually a good laiker and plays week in week out
Totally agree. Be a bit like making Dylan Hartley England captain. Hopefully rein in hot headedness without dampening pure passion he displays week in week out. True red.
My vote would be let Davies retain the vice captaincy, that way he`s not losing anything. Long contract and a towering presence my vote is for Lindsay, job done.