Maybe something along the lines of cycling for beginners or somewhere to have a pedal free from cars/traffic?
I think getting an allotment going - even a small one - or planting stuff in containers - would be good. Proven to good for mental health and everybody can have a crack
That is part of the project that starts March / April (Outdoor activities for social prescribing). There is already an allotment but I think we may need to expand it.
Fi, just a couple of networking contacts you mind find helpful - Andrea at the YMCA and Kevin one of the local councillors, both youth and communtiy workers. good luck in the new job!
I hope the new job works out for you. Over the years I've seen just how much your work means to you so they've got lucky having you there.
Hi, I’m a new father. My son is 9 month - he attends lots of baby groups with his mum. However, sometimes when she’s unavailable I have took him and noticed the groups are all woman, which made me uncomfortable at times. Perhaps a baby sensory groups that’s aimed at fathers? Could make it themed weekly? Might be something well received. Good luck
A sensory room which doubles up as a baby/ toddler area is something we have considered. It will need a big chunk of funding so won’t happen overnight, but I know where to go for the funding so fingers crossed. Totally understand the bit about Dads feeling uncomfortable - will make sure it’s welcoming to all.