Tbh as far as music goes I think you'll always get someone wanting to change this or they hate that etc. What clubs like Newcastle ,Everton, Watford etc is pick the song/ music and stick with it through thick and thin . West Ham picked the bubble song years and years ago as did brizzle rovers with goodnight Irene. Keep chopping and changing is not gonna endear all fans, as is sticking with what we've got isn't either , Imo fanfare and timerider is recognised as a significant time in our history maybe it's best to stick and in 75 _80 years time it might be a classic like "Johnny Todd "(Z Cars) is at Everton and Watford . Whatever is not gonna be popular with all fans as Ben found out with badge lol. Your choice don't envy you tbh.
As much as I love a good heavy sound, Foos, System, RATM etc, I think they lose their impact over a stadium PA. The lower end is lost in the air/crowds. So it’s sort of redundant. To that end, you want something with a simple and easy to pick up melody in the upper register. Unfortunately you tend to get more of that with euro pop/techno which, if chosen poorly, can just seem camp and frothy (again, who doesn’t like a bit of Scooter now and then? But you don’t want the Derby massive thinking our lads are about to do a synchronised dance) therefore you want something wedged in between the two. Brief punches from the bass drum and a ‘simplistic tribal chant’ of a hook Pretty sure this is used elsewhere, possibly not in England, but it’s the kind of thing we are looking for I think. When I think of a full Oakwell and that hook filling the air it makes the hairs stand up all over me, neck, toes, chin, ballax, the lot. Bit more energy than that? OK... At about 14/15 I used to have a CD I’d burned that I’d make my Dad play in the car on the way to Oakwell (bout 30 min drive with traffic) which included this too: This does the same thing to me. Get that ringing round the stands as loud as the PA will go, you’d have to be bereft of a pulse to not get pumped by it.
We seem to like instrumental music and I think that works really well like with Timerider (which splits opinion) so check out those current wrestling themes. The bottom link has singing but is dramatic with inspirational lyrics.
When i was living out in Portugal id go and watch Setubal, scattered around the pitch side were very large speakers,the ones they use at concerts, their ground was more open than most but when they played music or made any announcements it was so clear. maybe we should invest in some large speakers that would give the desired effect
Daft question but why can't the timing of the fanfare/timerider combo just be adjusted to fit better? I dont see why we need a pre themetune song, a theme tune intro, a theme tune and then a 1 minute post theme tune song. In the 90s we had fanfare and timerider, it was timed properly and it worked. For some reason we then started dicking about adding countdowns and pirates of the Caribbean music, rocky training montage music, voiceovers and weird commentary belted out. None of it worked so why not just go back to basics? Fanfare, time rider. Timed how it was in the late 90s. Boom
Pirates of the Caribbean and Rocky etc are probably the best I've heard, and if they were done properly, why not implement those? Certainly hair standing up sort of tunes.
Sounds like a rip off of 'The Prodigy' - 'Firestarter' (only with the vocals distortion overload turned up to 11)
I dont think a wwe theme is as daft as it sounds. I suggested the bobby roode theme earlier in the thread, something my son, who also attends oakwell never stops singing. It wont be popular among the older fans but its certainly a way to get the young uns involved. You know it makes sense
Personally I love Fanfare. It's my earliest memory from attending Oakwell as a kid. Although I think the ELP version is better atmospherically. I'm not a big fan of timerider as it's very dated and we used to play it far too soon. By the time the team came out everyone had stopped clapping. It is noticeably shorter this season. A great entrance song is Nickleback - Burn it to the ground. But the language is a bit choice for family listeners
I agree. Jim Johnston should be in the WWE Hall Of Fame for the tunes he's been responsible for in nearly 40 years. We've played at Oakwell plenty of songs from scripted entertainment shows that have many takes to get it right. So instrumentals from a live entertainment product wouldn't be so silly.
Fanfare is a must imo , let's fans know players in tunnel and ready to come out , There's always a buzz around where I stand as fanfare starts playing ,especially on big occasions like the Sunderland game etc. I also like timerider but que sera Sera as far as walk on music goes but fanfare is a must imo forever . It should be synonymous to us as Z Cars,to Everton Walk on, to Liverpool and greasy chip butty somewhere etlse .
Timerider reminds me of hit man n her nights out at rooftop gardens,, much prefer the rocky tunes, passion, pride, belief, strengh, no surrender, against all odds WABAW