I understand your frustration when getting to work relies on public transport but you are directing your anger at the wrong people. IF you strike, you are losing pay over Christmas .
Christ almighty, when will people realise that this country is not skint, far from it. We are a very wealthy country. Go and take a walk round certain areas of London for starters. The problem is not that we are skint, it’s that the distribution of money is all wrong. Look at football. Look at the Premier League. Look at the distribution of money in football. That is exactly the same as this country. The ruling classes have, for a long time, taken the piss out of the other 95% and dictated how we think, what we do. Just look at the comments above, calling the rail workers greedy. There are certainly greedy people in the rail industries, but it’s not the people ‘enjoying a family Christmas’ with no pay. It’s the owners and shareholders of the companies who take the money from the government, our money, and divvy it up between them. Yes, the rail services can be poor, but that’s not the fault of the people driving them, or conducting on them, it’s the shareholders who demand their share of the money, rather than it going on improvements. For those asking where the money could come from to give pay increases. Well, how about the government getting the tens of billions back from their mates, who they dished the money out to during the pandemic for safety equipment that never arrived. That should be a national scandal, but the papers aren’t telling us to question it, so it gets brushed under the carpet. And I would hazard a guess that the more vocal opponents of the strike, who are saying we have no money, voted for Brexit. Well there’s £100b per year that we’re losing, not to mention loads of staff from the NHS and care sector. People need to wise up. We are not a poor country. We are being taken for mugs.
This. I remember having the exact same argument years ago with my union. Who agreed to provide "certain levels of cover". So I argued against it. One out all out. Making the argument of why should I strike and yonder down there works "with approval" and then yonder down there gets the benefit of me striking (if it had any effect) and I lose pay and they don't. Needless to say the union disagreed and so did I. So I crossed their picket line on the day. And they didn't have the balls to say anything to me knowing my stance. (And me knowing what that meant in a town Like ours) By the way, I whole heartedly agreed for the reason of the strike, but completely disagreed with the union stance of allowing certains staff to work. I could not agree to have this "minimum level of cover" bollx
OH dear!! The UK debt has sky rocketed, The deficit is huge and we are in recession. Where is all this surplus cash you talk about. Utter simplistic ****** to talk about 'certain areas of London' (ironically much of it owned by foreign nationals!!). Fighting the class war does not alter the fact that the UK is in a financial mess. Do you have the faintest idea of how economics works?
The Government own the answer to this. They control the purse strings. They have done nothing to get this dispute resolved. There may need to be new working practices, but there also needs a better pay rise. With no negotiation I can see why further strikes have been called. Some were called off last month when it looked like some dialogue was about to happen. The RMT were up for it, but not our sad Tory government. I fully support their strike action, unless something changes.
They control the budgets. Apart from LNER, which is government owned they are not involved in negotiations. That is the issue. The government are only going to pay for any LNER pay rise. The rest will have to come from the privatised companies, but they have **** all negotiating power without government intervention.
I don't think that's what anyone is saying, but surely you can see how people will be frustrated when you complain about problems, directing your hate at the wrong people, when those problems are a direct result of over a decade of tory government that you voted to continue?
Private companies should not be in charge of critical infrastructure. Because when they are and are run by greedy ******** it leads to issues like this. The thing about private companies is that their goal is to make a profit. Why should the goal of national infrastructure that millions depend on be to make profit for shareholders? If it wasn't designed to make profit and was instead designed to provide a service it would be cheaper and staff would be paid better.
What line of work do you do. It may give us a better insight to your complaint/argument. It is not uncommon for some workers to be allowed to work.during a strike for a multitude of reasons. One out all out is a term that is commonly used. But on many occasions totally impractical. And would/could depending on the business, be disastrous, For all.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...t-secretary-TODAY-Christmas-strikes-loom.html I wouldn't hold your breath, but let's hope the talks come to a positive conclusion and the strikes announced are called off.
Aye, that will just leave the postal workers, university workers, teachers, nurses, civil servants and border force staff to sort!