Brilliant - thats brightened up my Friday - How does that account get a blue tick verification? One a serious note - the personal abuse of Bruce is just wrong - Full stop - whatever he is paid as a severance is totally not relevant I havent seen much personal about Schopp and commenting about the tactics he employs or how well he is performing from a fans point of view is really to be expected. I have nothing aginst Schopp personally - I just dont think he is doing a good job but thats a different matter altogether
Steve Bruce is an absolute managerial mercenary who has made a career from resigning rather then getting sacked and jumping ship ASAP when better offers have been available. He might be a humble guy in front of the cameras and in print interviews but he quite clearly has no scruples if he is to be judged by his actions over many, many years in football management. Personal abuse is however pretty pathetic and I've seen it first hand from Newcastle fans who wished my mum had cancer when they arrived at Doncaster train station when I happened to be on the platform waiting for my train after being at the races - bunch of screbs of the first order.
I'm curious, how will people 'rightly demand [he] gets sacked'. What are these rights to demand somebody loses their job. Do these rights apply elsewhere?