Honestly, it's so annoying when (sorry to use the term) people like you (and by this I mean baby boomer Tories) use phrases like 'without doing so at someone else's expense', 'blame everyone but me'. Like the insinuation is that if you have another point of view (less wealth disparity and better allocation of public funds), or you're younger - then everything has been handed to you on a plate. I think what we would all like your generation to appreciate, is that you worked at maybe the most prosperous time in human history. You're enjoying a comfortable retirement because for the most part, you have been playing on a flat wicket (how much of your wealth has come from housing equity)? As a 32 year old, it does wrangle a bit. There has never in human history been a greater generational gap, with the rapid adoption of new tech stemming primarily from the internet revolution, most of the older generations have failed to adapt. The sooner the transition of power moves away from baby boomers (have you watched the recent big tech depositions? Embarrassing) wherever possible and into the hands of Gen X'ers and Millennials, will we only then be able to properly start to move forward and address the issues facing us. Enjoy your retirement, you've had a good run - but now leave the running of the world to us.
As flounces go......far too lengthy, would have been better in a bossman match report stylee..... Sithi, am off. No offence....
Hi, everyone. I've just signed up to one of the Reggina 1914 forums. I think they need to know how hard I've worked, how it's all about me, and I think I should try to educate them about Italian politics from my home in England, too. Will let you know how many friends I make along the way!
It's "all my accomplishments are entirely due to my hard work, everyone else's troubles are entirely due to their failings" I remember a post where all the benefits of that generation apparently don't count because we've got smartphones these days or summat.
Spent a week on Lake Garda once. It rained solid all week! Venice we found hugely cheaper once you get away from the main tourist drag from St Marks to the Rialto. Glass of wine and a coffee for under a fiver. We've got a week on hold for when it's reopened. Be my fifth visit. Rome, like you say is an amazing place too. Sionnach has spent the last two years learning Italian. She can't wait to get back.
I had a great Four Tripe stew in Florence , great place , look at Cinque Terre in the Liguria area of Italy well worth a visit
DON'T tar all baby boomers with the same brush. They brought the world from the rampant sexism and racism of the sixties and seventies to a more enlightened world we're in now. If your generation does as well you'll have something to crow about.
I understand that if you evaluate the saturation bombing of Italy during the war, it turns out that the bombs cost more than the damage they did! Who’d have thought that?