Orsen don’t humour him. The footage doesn’t tell the whole story. But doesn’t need it. The excessive force ( no ? stroke violence went over and beyond what any officer would normally contemplate.) He did more damage to the police’s reputation than can be imagined. I’m on the fan group from clubs in South Yorkshire that discuss issues with SYP. And criticised their handling of the situation. Let em know in no uncertain circumstances my thoughts.
Y I know you're fishing for attention and I'm giving you the satisfaction but here.. Just go. If you're so upset about this board then just go. I've read what you've put and It's honestly annoyed me because I know pit lads and have pit lads in family and I've seen first hand what police brutality gets you and it ain't pretty. I'm annoyed with myself for even responding to you but there you are
Family. Two retired inspectors. Brother in law. Plus I know a few coppers - and at matches you might have seen me talking to them. Decades ago I was asked to join but declined - I’d have made a reight copper.
I’m in no way anti police mate. I believe there are more good than bad and they get a bad reputation for it. But the bad apples are numerous. Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that. Need to come into the real world.
You're reyt and I shouldn't take the bait but I enjoy reading this forum and when you see posts like that it makes me sick
I thought it was you that repeatedly tells us that you don't come on here to wind people up. But then, we know perfectly well it's how you get your kicks. Well, now football hooliganism is no longer the in thing.
Ask anyone that’s met me and asked me about winding people up - and they will tell you that I tell them that I’m not a WUM. All what I do is tell it as I see it. Some of my views might not be of the far left facist views of the mainstream on here. But they are my genuine views. It’s not my fault that you get all wound up cos you are not able or intelligent enough to contribute to the debate. IMO ....... someone accusing someone of being a WUM = THICK. So play the ball ........ not the player. I hope that hasn’t wound you up.
I'm just "telling it as I see it". You are a wind up merchant. Your views are usually pretty abhorrent too as demonstrated by your current defence of unnecessary violence. But then as an unrepentant ex football hooligan you clearly have no issues with that.
Like I say don’t bite. He’s an attention seeker of the highest order. To get everyone’s attention he is quite controversial for the sake of it. Most people have sussed him out. easy to put on ignore. Btw. I personally know 2 people that are acquaintances. ( people who know him. His words) Who quite frankly laugh when his name is mentioned. Knowing he’s a WUM. I once challenged him on that. His answer. “Now I know tha talking ******. I haven’t got any mates’” Obviously mates was a wrong word to use on my part at the time. Keep feeding him. - he swallows it up and goes into arrogant mode if challenged. Ignore him - he may take notice. I personally have no or little beef with anyone on here regardless of views. We may disagree. we may have polar opposite opinions. We may think differently even when we do agree. But with Nudge if he gets to a position where he has been challenged and can’t come up with an answer. ( Has he ever admitted to being wrong or misquoted. If so it must be as rare as rocking horse) He disappears. Very rarely gets involved in discussions about the love of his life. Bojo. ( except to make the odd skit) At least other tories on here are willing to take up issue and debate. Even when it gets out of hand. He’s hard work. I do enough of that outside my home. Can’t deal with it on here.
All I know from the footage I've seen is, his legal team will have a job on defending him. He broke protocol at very least on a crowd control operation (internal policy), what training had he had. The legal bit takes care of itself, it's either premeditated or unprovoked assault. Then you move into the realms of unnecessary force. I'll be interested to know what the orders were at that moment in time and for the day. What information was provided at the briefing, were they expecting to met with extreme violence? Red mist isn't a defence.
My take too HF. I try to engage him as little as possible. His natural home is on the Millwall forum tbh. He'd fit right in.