The white was the best one. It’s been a weird season kit wise. Black shorts at home was something unique. Purple socks at home. Yellow away when it could have been white, or red. Or white when it could have been red. And so on. It’s as though someone likes winding fans up....
You take the biscuit. I happen to believe in none false marketing. You made out you guessed which kit we would play in b4 the games. I suggest you take a look at yourself. Arrogance is not a good trait. Why not be constructive and take the point forward.
Some folk can turn a thread that's absolutely innocent into something it shouldn't be. It's effin embarrassing. I'd rather you Google 'let me buy the biggest mirror I can find and have a reyt long look in it' than contribute to folks info.
I can only recall two green away kits: the Pelada one, which was very cool and original I thought, and the Big Thing away shirt, which was hideous
I've known Andy White for quite a few years now. He has NEVER been arrogant. He's as kind, helpful, friendly a bloke as it's been my pleasure to know.
By the way I do agree with your point that advertising the white kit as away when it wasn't is wrong but I think the way you've gone about the complaint is wrong, Whitey's not been arrogant, nor does he make the decisions on kits. But in case you, or anyone else, wondered here's what we've worn in every away game from first to last this season Middlesbrough third reading third Chelsea third Middlesbrough third stoke third millwall third cardiff away derby home Blackburn third Birmingham home Dee Dars home Swansea home Rotherham third Norwich home Watford home Forest away Brentford third Bristol third QPR home Bournemouth third Wycombe third Luton away Coventry away Huddersfield home Preston home Home: 9 Away: 4 Third: 12
Believe me. We've had this conversation before. The last comment was aimed at me. I remember the response last time. I make an extremely valid point. I do not attempt to wind people up. Those responses last time stink of arrogance. Like it or not. The club false marketed. What's hard for folk to understand. I had to even correct him on that last time. He wasn't aware how it was marketed . I had to even post a picture. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
A kit split down the middle. Left hand side red/ right hand side white. That way the opposition would see players wearing all white or all red, or red and white. And as players turned it would be like some crazy kaleidoscope of revolving red and white. Might confuse us as well though.
Him not knowing how it's marketed (he's not the marketing manager) doesn't make him arrogant but each to their own.
I agree to a point lil. But on this occasion on this particular issue. We discussed in the past. It comes across as arrogant instead of constructive. Maybe I should have pointed that out. Don't make him out to be perfect. No-one is. The last comment he made was a swipe at me.