James the VI of Scotland became James I of the United crowns of England Scotland and Ireland , same person
I did read that when the decision was made an angry mob chased the politicians that made it down the street and they hid in the cellar of what is now Bella Pasta in Edinburgh.
With this government... surely that's only a matter of time anyway! Particularly as it's been relocated god knows how many times since it was originally located in "Scotland Yard" and the latest incarnation is a purpose built new building, which they finally moved to (on Victoria Embankment) 4 or 5 years ago.
Tbh St Johnstone from Perth which at one time was I believe an ancient capital of Scotland. Scone on the outskirts of Perth where Kings of Scotland were crowned when sitting on the Stone of Destiny. Also Scone cemetery where is the final resting place of Archie Taylor BFC captain of the FA Cup winning side.
yes he was the lesser known younger brother , he was going to build Adrian's fence although his elder brother wanted a wall ,he died at the battle of little big horn just outside Kelso,it was on a Rocky outcrop and his troops were heard shouting his name in despair, until they were rallied by the cry we still got big H all is not lost fetch the trowels
i was once waiting for a coupon up, in days before they called them accas , only needed St Johnstone to win at home as I checked the vidi printer looking in rumbelows window, they had been winning 2 nil at halftime, but as I was going into town did not know the updates, the S appeared on the screen followed by t j o h n s t o n e 2 , thought they still will have won are playing bottom of league , then F o r f a r 2, the despair I felt was beyond description, I took one last look at the coupon and the telly I could have actually bought if they had won and trudged up the precinct to meet my wife, she was happy to see me after hard day working in the shops ,"don't look so happy to see me then " ,"sorry love St Johnstone let me down for 125 pounds", "well where is St Johnstone", " i don't know what you asking that for"," well fancy picking a team and you dont know where it is", inside I just died ,I had lost and then was now faced with logic like this."come on never mind,you would have only given them it back", another blow to follow up the first, thankfully the bus arrived and as I sat down and wiped a circle in the condensation in the window staring out into the dark January night street lamps silhouetting people in the shadows I thought" where the **** is St Johnstone"