Completely agree...and hopefully this will happen, but Barnier so far has been crystal clear that he wants exactly the same arrangements to continue.
I'd be very careful using I'm no Dominic Raab fan but he's right in saying that those that fund it are tax avoiders, Google and Facebook. The inspection process is still to be fully ratified, the EU want the tax and have many legal suits in place against US big tech. A sign of the times who do you bloody believe? The internet age, the age of enlightenment and transparency supposedly! I used to like black and white and there many shades now all you get are a billion shades of grey (minus the soft porn and kinky ****.)
I'm sorry mate, I don't get this. My point overall is that Brexit was too big a question for party politics. I have laid out my opinion. I may be right, I may be wrong, who knows. I haven't been to a dinner party for nearly a year. I admit I used to find them fun because I got introduced as a brickie from Barnsley. Coming from five generations of miners and brickies that's how I'd like to be introduced. Trouble for my condescending fellow guests is my There are a number of international initiatives on money laundering and terrorist fundraising. The vast majority of international directives, including those of the EU stem from FATF which is an off-shoot of the UN and sits each time there is some form of international gathering, such as the G20. Alongside this sits the Arabic equivalent (sharia law and some specific politics drives a different financial imperative). The ultimate sanction for non-compliance is that the US (and by corollary) the UK would ban dealing with any rogue state or party. The UK accounts for around a third of the world's financial transactions and you need a dollar or pound account to trade in London. The EU gives voice to FATF directives in its own directives. I can not recall the EU ever coming up with its own unilateral directive
Think it's more Marcon piling on the pressure, he's making a point to Boris any wannabe nations that the union is more than one nation or individual.
I think the only thing driving Macron is that there are elections next year and he's behind in the polls. We think our politicians are bad but honest mate...they are on a different planet
Spot on, they've tried to get agreement due to the Maltese / Panama papers issue. It'll be nigh on impossible to get HSBC to open their books. I was employed by them for 12 months after university, I worked in mortgage retentions on the high rollers. All I'll say is it set me up nicely to understand the workings of dirty money and its criminal underbelly. 2001- 2005 they reckon almost every other pound that went through London was dirty.
This seems bizarre to me. You vote to **** the country just in case at some point in the future the EU changes into something bad. That's like selling your car and buying a push bike in case your car develops a fault in 4 years time. Personally I'd keep my car and change it if it develops a fault rather than putting me through years of hardship just for the sake of being able to say I'd got rid of the car quick.
Nothing to do with the debate at all but I can't be the only one who is really curious what you do now can I?
I'm certainly not sure about the Dominic Raab suggestion...but seems pretty even handed...bulls*it is bulls*it, whether it comes from either side on the debate, and I have to be honest in my opinion it's demolished enough brexiteers ******** to be taken at face value...I've crossed swords with Terry Christian ( much as I admire his musical preferences) on other forums, and he fits into the Dan Snow category of intelligent influential people who don't mind making it up as they go least Snow apologised when he was caught out...Terry just doesn't reply again.
I'm not sure it's that...I think we may be over-estimating the guy's principles...Macron is under massive pressure at home....According to the European press he is even less popular than Boris is here over his Covid handling...he is well aware that French fisherman will set the coast alight (literally) if they don't get what they want....with an election looming in 18 months this will be seriously bad news.
The problem is ST...if you buy into everything ...political, monetary, and defence Union ...accept the loss of vetoes and tax regulation and controls, you'll be so deep in you'll never be able to get rid of the car. I would think it would be virtually impossible for a country in the Euro to leave....with the exceptions of France and Germany where it is politically impossible.
That really is the stupidest post I've ever heard. My mum has had Type 1 diabetes for the past 56 years. If the medical experts who have treated her and worked with her had "rarely been right", and indeed the experts who developed ways of controlling diabetes in the early 20th century, it's unlikely she'd have lived past the age of 12, and I would never have been born. She's now 67. I am an expert in English language and linguistics. I often translate academic texts from Russian into English, and get paid good money for doing so. I suspect that nobody would be prepared to pay me to do this work if my translations were "rarely right". If I have doubts about certain things I'm translating, I will consult a Russian expert in the subject area, to make sure my translation is accurate. Precisely because he or she is an expert, knows more than me, and is right a lot more often than rarely. Continuing on the subject of my work, I have to pay taxes four times a year, and submit an annual declaration. My accountant does all of this for me, because she is an expert in Russian tax legislation for small businesses, whereas I am not. If she was "rarely right", I would probably be suffering with a pile of legal issues due to incorrect tax payments and other such stuff. But I'm not, because she's always right when knowing what to do with regards to taxation. It's what makes her an expert.
that doesn’t take account of our lack of affection for herring and mackerel which we export largely. Not good however you want to look at it. But frankly, fishing should be the least of our worries, it’s the other 99.86% of our already damaged economy we should worry about most.
But the stupid thing is we didn't, we kept our own currency and had vetoes other countries didnt. I fail to see obe positive, particularly in this area that only started to thrive again after EU grants.
Excellent post. Wasting your time with some on here (see Jimmy Viz's reply) I would add that I am frequently labelled racist , thick Tory boy etc as I am anti EU (in the form it has evolved into). I did NOT vote leave because I am not one of the intelligensia on here who consider themselves far more intelligent and informed than the "hoodwinked racist leavers (sic)". The myth that the EU 27 are united and Nationalism is put to one side for the common good is just that - a myth. The Greek crisis 'solutions' (keep lending them money they can't pay back like loan sharks), the bending of rules to enable non-qualifying countries to join and expand the EU 'empire', the lack of support for the front line migrant crisis countries-(Italy, Spain, Greece (again) , the fixed rate ECB system in the EZ set up for Germany and France to the detriment of the P.I.G.S. . All those things and the points you raise fall on deaf ears to those who see the EU as the sunny uplands and constantly bring down the UK -still the 6th largest economy , (or thereabouts) in the World.. To some it is solely racism that brought about the leave vote (oH and Russian influence???) It is amusing when they call leavers little Englanders but never consider that quite a few people looked beyond the UK shores at where they believed the EU was headed and made a decision based on that rather than the current situation. Living within the EU you soon see the fragile relationship between EU countries particularly those in the EZ and realise National interests in crisis always take precedence. I still maintain that eventually the Euro will fail (as does the architect of it). The dream that was the EU has been corrupted by politics and evolved into another unnecessary layer of unwieldy bureaucracy (and expensive to maintain). The idea is great in principle but it has been mishandled and corrupted.
Despite all the nonsense you posted in previous posts, I thought you were probably serious. But now I know you're a wind up. Good attempt, fair play!