'When the fun stops, stop' is one of the dumbest, disingenuous catchphrases to ever be invented. It's like saying to a new smoker, 'when it starts tasting nice, stop', or to a heavy drinker 'when you can't function without one, stop', or a heroin user 'when you start banging up for breakfast, stop.' Truth is, they don't care about the damage they do. And those who gamble regularly who don't think it'll ever turn into a problem, they should remember that the Paul Mersons of this world never thought they'd be where they're at because of their addictions today. No addict foresaw their addiction when it felt under control, that's the frightening thing about addiction. The issue for addicts is when the fun stopped, they couldn't.
Nearly finished reading this... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Might-Bite-Secret-Gambling-Addict/dp/147299213X Can't recommend it enough. Gambling is one of the easiest addictions to hide because it's hidden away on a mobile phone, rather than popping in to a bookies. People who get in as bad as Patrick Foster did need as much help as they want. I wonder how fans of clubs will be if the next sponsorship deal isn't as much as the gambling one their currently have and so to make up a shortfall a key player or two needs to be sold.
As a fully paid up Guardian reading woke snowflake you might expect me to be supportive of this ban. I’m not. Two principal reasons: 1. If an activity is legal the suggestion of banning the advertising of it is both farcical and hypocritical. 2. Govt should generally keep out of peoples lives as far as possible unless they need Govt or there’s a greater societal good. People should (and should be allowed to) take responsibility for their own actions. I’m aware this topic has various shades of grey but some underlying principals are always a useful starting point.
Just on books about gambling, Tony 10 is a brilliant read about a normal young guy that quickly developed a gambling addiction after his brother in law gave him a €50 online betting voucher He had some massive wins and turned over €10 million, the trouble was he didn’t have enough to cover his eventual losses so he ended up stealing €1.75 million from his employers None of his family , friends or even his fiancée knew anything about this until his eventual arrest and subsequent jail time He has now turned his life around and his a councillor for others with gambling addictions Very sobering read on how quickly things can get out of hand
There are many things in life that are addictive , I myself used to smoke but I smoked because it was my choice not because we were inundated with brand advertising which we were, I do not & did not blame the tobacco companies I blamed myself ,but eventually I sacked them off although I had spent a fortune on them & probably done untold damage to my health & in my humble opinion anyone blaming someone for a drinking, gambling or smoking addition should look no further than the mirror for someone to blame , it seems the case that people play the blame game when at the end of the day we make our own choices & should take responsibility for them.
What has wrong with the controls / legislation in regards to gambling prior to Gambling Act 2005, people that wanted to bet could do so. No large scale TV advertising was required to promote gambling.
Should we not blame the drug dealers for enticing young kids to get into the habit of taking drugs. At that age kids are impressionable. Should we allow gambling companies to entice people who can least afford it to gamble by offering free bets be it cash. or bingo advertising with free games or fruit machine spins. Not everyone is susceptible to such offers. Some are. I too smoked and didn't blame the cigarette companies. It was peer pressure as a 14 yr old. I then became addicted. Banning smoking advertising never affected me. But may with the printing on the packaging deter others.
Well Vapes contain Nicotine which is the addictive substance in Cigs and Athletic beers don't contain any alcohol which is the addictive substance in booze, also Vapes are medically harmful to the lungs while alcohol free beer has no known harmful side-effects, so they're definitely not the same thing. https://www.lung.ca/lung-health/vaping-what-you-need-know
The Gambling industry are copying everything the Tobacco industry tried before. Reading personal stories about the impact of gambling is insightful but if you want to read a book about how you are being played - then read 'Merchants of Doubt'. Gambling companies will strive for self-regulation, will offer to safeguard people at risk, will deny or present alternative evidence that their products harm people - it's all just hiding the fact that they are taking money out of people's pockets and lining their own. They will also argue that sport cannot survive without their sponsorship - tobacco made the same argument - seems like sport survived to me. Plenty on here will have had Michael Dugher as their MP - he's now the Chief Exec of the Betting and Gaming Council. He was a labour MP in Barnsley - and as such I'd expect him to stand up for the little man - fight the fight for those disadvantaged by societies failing. Clearly not - he's now a professional lobbyist for an industry that harms the very people he was previously elected to protect. He's come out in favour of this move- why - because it pays the lie that they can self-regulate - that they are responsible organisations. It's a watered down move - no ban on hoardings for example - and it shows just how much influence those professional lobbyists have over Government policy.
I was reading and taking part on a thread about Kitchens goal of the month on facebook this morning when up popped a comment on a bookmakers services, I usually make a comment such as "do one " or something similar but someone beat me to it but my point is that we were discussing gambling addiction & I find the internet being the biggest culprit in putting temptation in the way of people & I believe this wants policing better , regarding other addictions temptations are put the vulnerable in many ways but at the end of the day it is down to the individual to make their own life choices, we live in a blame cultured society but for me people should stop blaming others when at the end of the day everyone has a choice & it is down to the individual to hopefully make the right ones or quickly learn from any mistakes .
Do you hold the same opinion regarding the restrictions to advertising tobacco products? Not trying to be clever, interested in your answer.
I do. If the harm outweighs the benefits it’s a judgement for Govt about whether they should be banned entirely. If they deem it doesn’t - then crack on.
That's all well and good. However, alcohol, tobacco and gambling companies are all doing their absolute best to get you addicted to their product. For the good of public health they shouldn't be allowed to do that.
Any business uses advertising , it doesn"t mean that you have to buy their products , lets stop looking to blame others & make your own mind up & personally whats wrong with buying a product without becoming an addict ? I love a beer , used to smoke & have enjoyed a bet but they were all my choices , no one had my arm up my back , make your own choices in life , some you will get right & some you will get wrong but stop trying to shift the blame .
I applaud your ability to stop smoking or whatever. There are millions of people who don't have that willpower. They are being exploited by companies who want them to become addicted. Their ability to do that should be severely restricted. I've worked with two people who drank themselves to death. One of my oldest friends did the same. The trail of destruction left by gambling is enormous. Irradicating anything is virtually impossible, it will just go underground but we should do what we can to minimise the reach of companies selling harmful products.
This is a bit like supporting gun rights in America because some will make good choices and not murder people with them and some will make bad choices and take out 20 schoolies so stop trying to shift the blame onto the guns and blame the individuals instead.
https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/...ing-company-slammed-as-wrong-decision-4225992 Blackpool getting stick for it. I don't see the issue. They have to bring in revenue especially after a relegation and they are babysitters for people, they are a business. It's more annoying their kits are made by Puma and they are available to buy, whilst ours are just pre order.