Utter nonsense. Courts decide whether someone is guilty in law of committing an offence where a case has been brought by the CPS (or rarely a private conviction). They don’t decide whether or not someone has ‘committed an offence’ or whether they’ve done something ‘bad’ but not necessarily illegal. For instance how many times have I broken a speed limit since I last got a ticket (nearly 20 years ago)? Now I know I have done it many times, but there’s no solid evidence, no summons, no court case, no convictions. According to your post, the BBS (media) should take down this post, as it’s just an admission and there’s no guilty verdict. And just because it really flipping annoys me. For every false allegation there’s 20 unreported cases (and that’s ignoring the reported but not convicted, or even the convicted). False allegations are such a small part of the story, yet so significant in the world of toxic masculinity.
You’re right it’d be horrific. But what about the rape victims I know who never reported the offence to the police? Is that not worse?
Worse not necessarily. Just as horrific in different ways? Absolutely. As I've said all along. I've never once played down the seriousness of rape. Not once
See I never said that false allegations weren’t bad too. The difference appears to be that I care more about the many many more victims of sex crimes than I do about the fewer people who have been falsely accused. And if I’m falsely accused (which would be awful), I get a chance to prove my innocence in court. Whereas all those victims never get to not be victims any more.
Ok. Completely irrelevant to trial by media and Helen saying she would by happy for her son to be wrongfully convicted in order to get the conviction rate up but ok.
And again. If I’m falsely accused, it’ll leave an awful scar on my life, but the law will show I’m innocent. If I’m raped, there’s no closure, it stays with me forever, even if the perpetrator is convicted, it will never make it right.
You get a chance to prove your innocence in court yes, but unfortunately in the modern world that doesn't mean much I know someone that lost everything due to a false allegation (which was literally impossible to be true, it never even went to trial). He lost his job and found it impossible to find another in the field that he worked. He ended up committing suicide. I'm glad he's no longer a victim though. False allegations are far more common these days that you might believe.
I’m not being dragged into someone else’s rabbit hole. At the moment, you’re trying to defend someone who’s admitted to many wrongdoings and has said he’ll seek help. And your knee jerk response is based on a toxic masculine view of our laws IMHO. But I will give a view of what Helen posted. As the father of a son and 2 daughters, Yes I absolutely would rather my son be falsely accused than one of my daughters be a victim. Not that I would want any of those to happen. And I’ve been close enough to both of those situations to be able to say that with absolute certainty.
I know the numbers, and I know the reality as a family member was falsely accused too. I’m not making light of the situation at all, but see my other post re my own kids.
There’s no easy answer in my view and in this thread there are a lot of different issues mixed together which doesn’t help. Is he guilty? Don’t know. He’s not been tried and found guilty so far. Should he be “suspended from work” until that’s figured out? That seems reasonable. As far as I know the episode is available on ITV hub. So if people want to watch they can. By not broadcasting it on TV they’re pausing any continued promotion of his interests. That seems a pragmattic approach for now. One of the issues, about the “trial by media” is a fair debate, but I think it’s relevant that he chose a career where his earnings come from public performance (and I hold footballers to the same standards), which means he has to accept public scrutiny of his behaviour that is above and beyond just “has a court found him guilty”. Would you want him in a Reds shirt?
I haven't defended anyone and I've got no knee jerk reaction here and you have absolutely no idea why I feel the way I do so you can piss right off pretending you know me
I’m not pretending anything. I don’t really want to know you, and it’d be weird to pretend otherwise. but here’s some facts... You started a post to complain about media treatment of Noel Clarke. You have doubled down on your defence of your position even after he’s admitted wrongdoing. I’m not sure how you’re seeing any positives in your behaviour here
Gotta love an attack the victims defend the alleged perpetrator thread. Unsurprising that women are reluctant to report sexual assaults. Clarke has already apologised for some of his behaviour. So clearly there is some truth to the allegations. Anyone accused of something similar in a workplace would be suspended.