How does she rinse and spit in the middle of the staff room? Have you always had a spittoon in there?
And this is a great example of how a an innocent thread can deteriorate. Of which of course I am guilty as charged
One thing you'll learn when/if you get to know me is don't challenge me in a farting contest. There will only be one winner (and I've never followed through either!)
A bloke i work with can suck soup from a spoon 4 inches from his mouth with all accompanying noises. It makes me want to push knitting needles into my own ears.
My wife used to work with a noisy eater. They stood it for a long time before one of them broke and shouted, " Tha meks moor noise than are dog when thar eytin." Didn't stop him, though.
We leave the extractor fan over the hob on whilst we eat to generate some noise. Neither of us are noisy eaters though.
She doesn’t. The whole situation is weird. I don’t think she even uses toothpaste but I try not to look as it creeps me out.
Competition set up. Lad at work called TRUMPTON OR TRUMPS for short. Trumps on command. He could solve the planets fuel shortage. Tried to get him to set light to one of his outbursts shall we say. Having none of it. Mindst thi if he did he’d probably destroy everything in a 10 yard radius of his rear. Don’t know if he’s ever followed through. But seen him disappear sharpish after an outburst. B’std just sits there and giggles after emptying the room.