Noisy eating and drinking. What do you lot want me to do. 1.Die of starvation or 2 dehydration. 2 is quicker. Btw. I trump, can’t be bothered to try contain. I snore. I chuck my underpants at the wall if they don’t stick, wear another week. ( saves on weshing) I pick my nose. and roll bogies. But the missus still stays wi mi. Blooming Waynetta they call her. Won’t take the hint. Yours Truly Wayne.
I've just mentioned to the wife that there's people who think they can beat me in a farting contest. She just laughed lol. She says "Tell them they've no chance" lol "In fact don't bother trying"
Don't have that problem here when eating out. The Television (or Televisions in the posher restaurants) constantly playing in the corner (usually football or some horrendous game or quiz show) drowns out slurping or chomping sounds, or it would, except..... You know the idea of Italian restaurants in the UK...all 'romantic' and ' folksy' with red chequered table cloths, candlelit wicker Chianti bottles on tables subdued lighting and Italian music (mandolins etc) playing discretely in the background........err no!! The average rural Italian restaurant (pre Covid) highlights the ability of three /sometimes four) generations of families to simultaneously eat huge quantities of food presented in several course over a period of 2-3 hours (or more if Sunday Lunch) whilst talking -again simultaneously- non stop. Aside from the noise of the TV, the cacophony emanating from a gathering of Italians, you have the small children running around letting off steam after they have finished eating and are now bored whilst great grandma, grandma and/or grandad, and parents talk as each of them have not seen each other for years (when in fact they did the same the previous week, the week before that and the week before that.......) You also find that the lighting in many restaurants far from being subtle, is likely to destroy your retinas unless you leave you sunglasses on when you first enter (Italians like to see what they are eating!) You can escape all this if you are looking for a romantic meal for two for something like an anniversary celebration and go to an 'up market' Trattoria, but most Italians treat meal out as a social occasion and relatively low prices in normal restaurants/pizzerias means people can afford to eat out at least once a week. For all that, me and SWMBO love these run of the mill restaurants, the atmosphere has a real buzz, staff are friendly especially of you have kids with you (not always efficient -you sometimes find food arriving at table very randomly (or not at all)) If there are few of you and you want a digestivo like grappa or Limoncello Varnelli (like ouzo) etc. some of them just leave the bottle on the table to help yourself. You get to know which ones are best for fish meat Pizza seafood etc One near us does fillet steaks (not normally the tastiest cuts) but these are fantastic, well seasoned and Chargrilled over wood around 10 ounces each With antipasti for two- salumi ,cheeses, olives, Sun dried tomatoes bread, olive oil balsamic vinegar etc., contorni (side dishes of Spinach, fries , grilled vegetables etc) wine, water (still and sparkling) wine and digestivo, The total bill including cover charge - they don't expect (or accept in some cases) tips around here -is around 60 euros for the two of us (and that is pushing the boat out for us!)
We could go round like this all day lol On a separate note, how's your Mum? Hope she's ok after her operation
Well i could bottle a sample for you, but it would melt the container by the time it got to you, so.... Yes, she's good thanks, literally had the final slot on the friday before they cancelled day surgery, so glad she had it done and she can at least see clearly out of one eye now! Had a pantomime for a few days where she was convinced her eye was going to fall out (obviously it wasn't and didn't), but she's moaning and chuntering as usual, so she must be well... and she even gave me a pared down set of Christmas presents just in case. Mothers! Thanks for remembering and asking.
Tangent. Whats going on at the crossroads as you come off j37 to head towards town? The big fields on the left after the crossroads all boarded up. Shame if thats being developed on. Also saw the back of the town centre development as I went down Harborough Hills and on the way back. It was..... different.
It's the Penny Pie park development. New Dodworth Road development to "ease" traffic congestion. info on the council website
What about people who keep their mouths open whilst eating? All you see is their gammy teeth as well as hearing the sloppy noise.
Clackers, slurpers and bleedin fidgets get me, farters I can deal with I just drarnd em art with my own virtuoso performance on the rear wind pipe.