Teofilo Stevenson Cuban heavyweight boxer Won gold at 1972 1976 and 1980 games A good chance he would have also won 1984 and 1988 if Cuba hadn't boycotted the games
Peter Norman... (who?) he was third man on the podium with Tommie Smith and Johm Carlos when they gave the black power salute. He was Australian who became a lifelong friend of the two Americans. John Carlos had forgotten his black glove and it was Norman who suggested that they split Smith's pair... hence the right and leftie salutes. (it was actually 1968 in Mexico)
this bloke was so far in front of any of the others. He was... awesome. There was always speculation about him going pro and fighting Muhammed Ali. But he never did because of the Cuban commie ideology (or something)... that would have been a matchup...