You mentioned "lefty" 7 times there.. No one gives a fk robert.. they are still called 'male voice choir' so no need to get too pist off.. they've just dropped the police from their title .. what's up with that.
Should never have been an issue to start with ! No one gives a FK ? Thanks for sharing your observations and you just proved my point ! BTW it’s pissed ! #justsaying
What has it 'turned into' exactly? It seems to be a fair mixture of people saying they agree with Tekky and people saying it's a bit of a non story. I always find it interesting when people wheel out the 'not allowed an opinion' line, despite all opinions having been aired and sitting there as plain as day to be read. No-one's post has been deleted, all opinions have been allowed. Not being agreed with isn't the same as not being allowed an opinion.
Snowflakery of the highest order. Nobody stops you having an opinion. In wider society practically every single newspapers reflects right wing opinion as does most mainstream tv. Equality and diversity are basic human dignity nothing to do with PC. A term generally used by those who don’t understand it or its origins.