Lets not start saying the Leave camp never mentioned anything about 350 million savings for the NHS then. They were quite happy for people to believe that. The way You keep posting anti-EU rhetoric on here one could be forgiven for thinking you are eithet Nigel Farage himself or work for him.
The 350 million was a direct promise by the out camp however much they shilly shally. I don't like liars. No I don't work for the EU but I am a realist and think we should leave as quickly as possible. However I am both a realist about our financial commitments tl( and the figures being talked about sound about right not Junckers figures but those suggested by the Etuc) and think that it's morally correct to pay for anything we have agreed to pay for. Your morals may be different and that's of course your own value system.
You "Dont like liars".. What about the Remain whoppers e.g. 4800 per household ? YOU cherry pick whatever suits your agenda and ignore the rest eTUC so no vested interest there then!! YOU think the EU are morally in the right then to demand inflated amounts without appearing to mention honouring any commitments made to the UK post leaving. Seems a bit one sided to me. As regards my moral value system. I normally try to avoid making personal comments when posting but there are times, and this is one of them when I have to respond. How dare you imply I have low moral values. and put yourself as morally superior to me. You arrogant pompous pr*ck.! How dare you
So Nigel Farage and apparently myself are the only two people who dislike the EU. FUnny that I thought millions in the UK do not to mention the millions in France, Italy Spain etc who feel the same.
Its already costing me roughly £50 per month extra as a result of increases in petrol, food and heating due to the currency fall. That's £600 per year and we haven't left yet. In absolute terms, every single person paid in pounds took a ~15-20% pay cut last year and I can now get paid more for the same job in India than I can in the UK. This is before A50 is triggered...
"Every single person.."?? Wow!!! Your £600 equates to 15-20% pay cut!! Really?? So you earn less than £4k a year?? So that is purely down to Brexit is it. Nothing to do with cuts in Oil production and the price of crude starting to climb, or food prices due to bad harvests, or General inflation (it does happen). Incidentally, before you reply, take note that our receipts are in pounds but living in the Eurozone all oor outgoings are in Euros so we saw a dramatic fall in our disposable income. nevertheless, whilst I knew it would happen I still voted out because I strongly believe the alternative would be worse
But the others don't keep post posting Anti-EU rhetoric on here in the way that you do. There are millions of pro EU folk in the UK indeed, approximately 48% of those that voted. Those who Play down or even deny the 350 million pound savings going direct to the NHS claims are just making themselves look bigger dicks and liars than they already are. Just because the outcome of the referendum is widely accepted, it doesn't mean that people now accept it was the right choice.
"Keep posting??"... Actually of you look back over the past several months, I have not posted much on the topic at all apart from this thread which didn't start out as anything to do with the EU, rather about recent experiences of the NHS and even that I sort of hijacked myself in response to a playful EU comment from Orsenkhat. The sad thing is you and a handful of posters on here genuinely believe that your antiquated Left wing views represent the majority when in reality nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the silent majority on here are just that, silent. You represent the group of people who spend all their time protesting about governments, and blame everything on them. The only answer is to make a few placards and parade up and down streets with a loudhailer expressing disgust at the 'vile' behaviour of any one who disagrees with you and who are undoubtedly in your opinion, racist xenophobic thckos. As regards your final sentence, what eveidence have you to support your claim (echoed by many remainers) that if the referendum was re-run the outcome would be different? In fact, it possibly would be, since several independent polls from different organisations have shown that the gap would probably be greater in favour of leaving since every time people like Junckers, Blair etc open their mouths they reassert the reasons that the majority voted to leave the EU. it is about time the liberals and the lefties realise that trying to shut the opposition up by screaming racist or nazi every time someone pust forward a different point of view is a tactic that is failing. People have got wise to it and it is fast losing credibility even in the mainstream press.
Where have I said that if the referendum was re-run the out come would be different? Go on show me, another made up assertion by you I suppose? I was pointing out that closeness of the result showed many were pro EU. Has your Your generalisation of your 'screaming Nazi/Racist by opposition and it is only done by Liberal /Lefties'now outed you for all you really are? How dare people suggest that those who are in power only do things which are good for the benefit of all, and how dare people take to the streets and social media etc to protest. Anyone would think we live in democracy. A democracy incidentally that was fought for over many many years, by people who were no doubt seen as screaming opposition at that time. Mainstream press or mainstream Independant press?
Maybe I wasn't clear, but the £600 per year is the real terms extra costs since the referendum in pounds. That is the disposable income less we have to spend each year. With it going in bills and essentials (plus the tax on that), I can no longer spend that money on non-essentials, which if reflected throughout the country (and I don't believe I am anything special in terms of household spending) will lead to a drop in consumer spending, and eventually a recession. 15-20% loss of income is in absolute terms, i.e. in any other currency we now have 15-20% less than we had 1 year ago. Like you have already noticed, purchases in other currencies have gone up significantly and our buying power has decreased. Unfortunately, a lot of people have money tied up in property (like me), which even if we could sell up and move abroad will give us much less buying power overseas. As I said before, there are IT jobs in India now advertised that pay more than IT jobs around here. As I am fond of winding Leavers up with, "You got what you voted for". That does not mean that you will get what you want...
Shown the sort of person you are there and it wasn't too hard to scratch the surface to the abusive nasty bit of work you are. Hiding behind a keyboard spewing bilebrave man If you think reneging on financial commitments is the right thing to do then yes you have pretty low morals. Jog on kitty.
It is not me hiding behind the keyboard making snide insinuations without expecting any comeback ... so yeah! Whatever!! Incidentally I have never said anything about reneging on financial commitments. What a sanctimonious ass you are.
GP time with patients now been cut from 10 minutes to 5, nowhere near enough. The NHS is just going to get worse and worse while it remains a sacred cow. The parties need to stop using it as a political football, sit down together, look at the various alternatives and find a solution because we all have to use it.
Actually, probably the only people that don't need to use it are the MPs and ministers that are in charge of it. That should change. If they had to use the NHS then they might get around to sorting it out.
You might be happy to be poorer for your views, and you have every right to your opinion. Two questions though: 1. Are you happy to be relatively 20% poorer than you were a year ago *for the rest of your life* 2. What is the exchange rate where it is no longer financially viable for you to continue live in Italy? It might not get worse than it is, but equally with the idiots in charge now it could get a lot worse especially when companies start to move out of the UK.
The solutions are simple; Increase funding and merge Social Care provision to the NHS Remove the burden of PFI Nationalise drug supply and research