Plenty of seats around me at the back of the East stand upper tier near ponty end - but I'm guessing thats a function of the 2 million steps you have to go up, as I'm still under 50 I can just about manage it, wouldn't fancy it with a stick or dodgy knees - mind you I do always seem to get stuck behind some coffin dodger taking their sweet @ss time shuffling up and down them steps before/after every game, so some intrepid old souls still out there prepared to make the hike every home game. And I don't know why I'm advertising the fact there's spare seats around me because I hate people, get int' Ponty end with ye!
Yes, but my response was to a post about mixing or intermingling if you like with opposing fans, not Segregation in the same stand
Home fans enter from East Stand side - Away fans enter from West Stand side. That’s how it was designed to operate, so fans don’t need to intermingle. It’s segregated inside and outside of the stand. The East Stand side turnstiles just need maintenance works to get them operational I believe, as they’ve not been used for years.
I wouldn’t know because the only time I tried to go round the ESL/NS corner I was stopped by police or stewards and told I couldn’t go there. It’s just one more bit to add to the ever growing pile of smelly stuff!