Which is complete and utter ********. WBA would have paid a fee for Mowatt if he was under contract and he’d have fetched a club record fee. Most clubs were skint from the covid rubbish, that’s why players were not bought from us. Is it a positive though? We’re down already. We may aswell cash in, plug that 6 million we lose. Prepare for next season now instead of facing a full rebuild in the summer for league 1.
We have managed to keep together the worst squad we've had in the championship whilst i've been watching who are marooned at the bottom of the league. Not sure that's a cause for celebration.
Not sure it’s a positive or a negative. Who would want massively out of form players from a club marooned at the bottom of the league?
If you have been going for fifty years then you have seen lower points on the field but I suggest like a lot more of us it is these owners which are causing the apathy & distancing from the club.
Keeping the players was never a sign of success for me. It was an absolute minimum. I was also never too worried about them being poached. Apart from Collins they’ve all been $hite. I doubt any of our 11 would get into the first xi for many other teams in the Championship. Teams will also know that they will get them even cheaper in the summer, when they become L1 players. The window has been a shambles. It couldn’t be any clearer that the owners don’t give a fk if we go down.
We could have been in top flight now if the plonkers in charge would have thought last season but they saw a bit of pay out when the premier league assessors came to study ground. Which would have taken care of itself with promotion money, tv,advertising and parachute payments if we came straight back down. Good business men know you have to spend to accumulate. These don't seem to know that so I assume they are not good business men , just greedy sods
The best businessmen tend not to put any of their own capital at risk in such things. Protect the downside, while preserving the value of the upside. We brought in Dike and Morris in the last January transfer window. As much as I disliked the style last season, surely nobody could argue with the incredible upturn in results from a start of season that was even worse than this one?
But our owners apparently say playing like we did under Val doesn't put value on players. I beg to differ if we had have gone up last season we would have been inundated with offers. Dike hasn't done too badly out of it and I dare say Orlando haven't
Unfortunately i think its more down to form and league position' not one of our players is anywhere near last seasons form and thats reflected in the lack of interest in them' honestly can't imagine the board turning any decent offers down..
You're right it wasn't. But if we'd have signed three and let two go, how would that have been received? Probably mixed. I think the OP makes a fair point, although probably too positive, about the window as a whole. Since we started losing games certain supporters have shouted from the rooftops about a mass exodus in January - in fact some supporters still claim we'll sell anything that isn't bolted down at the first opportunity. We're actually not really a selling club under these owners. We've complained numerous times about not getting true value for players, and that will likely be repeated in the Summer as some depart after relegation, but there has to balance and credit where it's due if we don't sell at the first attempt, let Mowatt run down his contract, etc. The credibility of the criticism is harmed if you're continually moving the goalposts (so to speak).
I think you're being incredibly generous to the squad to absolve them of any of the blame for this shambles.
I wonder how many of our players were actually injured and not being preserved in case of a bid surfacing?? I wouldn't put it past them...