I don't like to see any players try and con the officials, but it just seems to be the norm to try these days and by and large they usually buy it. Charlton were especially good at it the other week, throwing themselves down at the merest hint of a touch, backing into our players then diving over as if they'd been pushed etc. Stronger officials is ultimately the answer but some of them just seem to want to be conned, either that or they genuinely are struggling with their sight. Until they get a grip on games if you can't beat em, join em.
True, and nowadays they refer to it as "simulation" as if it's some sort of minor unimportant transgression. Call it what it is...CHEATING! If the commentators said "Joe Blogg picks up a booking for blatant cheating" then the perpetrator might think twice in future. I notice that Patrick Bamford stays on his feet most of the time now, since he got a lot of stick for his regular falling over antics. To those who think our players should adopt these cheating tactics just because other teams do it.....NO!
It's totally against the ethical spirit of sport, it's just as bad as performance enhancing drugs or putting electric motors inside the frame of a racing bike. The solution to the problem is not for otherwise decent players to join the cheats but for the game's authorities to stand up and be counted and force referees to deal with cheating properly. Sorry, I forgot that the authority in question is the FA, so it's never going to happen.
It looked ridiculous but to be honest I can’t understand the fuss over diving. I find it hypocritical how many people get on their high horses about diving when it’s no different to any other cheating that goes off every game. Pinching yards at every throw in, deliberate time wasting, not putting the ball in the quadrant at corners, deliberate shirt pushing, blocking, feigning injury, waving imaginary cards etc. Barnsley players cheat all the time, Sollbauer got away with several blocks off the ball Saturday, we’ve had fans laughing & cheering when our players have time wasted like Wilks on the opening day, Davies was the master at it last season, Watkins was always diving when he played for us, Lindsay & Pinnock mastered the shirt pull, Winnall used to try & ref every game. I just don’t really understand why divings seen as this big no no compared to the rest.
Isn't diving worse because it could lead to somebody being booked or sent off simply for being near the cheating **** who chooses to dive? And thus is a big no no. Because it is wrong whichever way you look at it.