This is a little bit different to buying a pair of shoes or a car i would imagine. Prefer it to be done in the right way rather than the quick way to please the impatient amongst us.
Newcastles potential takeovers a lot bigger than this of barnsley but reports today say that Amanda Staveley wants the deal done by December leaving what 5 weeks to get the deal done so that Newcastle can plan for the winter window. The way you talk about it's like this is a secret deal by Nasa and MI5 or whatever not a football business buy out. They can't be doing too badly at nice if players are even rumoured to be wroth 30 million pounds. Seri
Every sale is different though. Just because a club is bigger or worth more doesn't mean that the deal will be more complicated. I mean, as far as I know, St James' Holdings(Ashley's company set up to buy NUFC)owns the club and all it's assets(stadium, training ground etc...). I'd be willing to bet the purchase of Oakwell has been a massive reason the 'Tarn sale hasn't gone as quickly as anyone will have liked. Also, Amanda Stavely can say she wants the deal done by December all she wants, doesn't mean it will be....
It's not sensible to compare one takeover with another Phil because they just don't work like that. Each takeover is different, they have different variables, different complexities and different investors that are all factors in the process. Comparing us to Newcastle is not advisable.
No but when ones taking two or three time of another than somethings not right. It's just a business deal. It can't go on forever. Be it this Swansea lad or Mr Lee's takeover. Honesty and transparentsy always better forme. Before anyone says get behind the team I will say I do
On the subject of transparency, and using the Newcastle deal as an example(as it is the standard your are measuring ours against), what do we, the general public know about the Newcastle take-over. I'm talking 100% concrete facts that have been released from either party in the form of press releases/press conferences? Lets see how much different they are doing things compared to us...
Bet any money the Newcastle deal doesn't involve a 3rd party ownership that's responsible for the borough's assets...this deal of ours as got to be squeaky clean due to the council's involvent in part ownership. I bet if you asked all parties involved they would give the same answers We would like to conclude quickly as is possible however we understand it will take time due to xyz It's like Christmas you look forward to it happening and no sooner is it here then it's over .....and a distant memory ....
I've been involved in two company acquisitions/takeovers in my working lifetime. First occasion in 2008, we were bought by a competitor in the same market. Negotiations and due diligence started in Nov 2007. I used to report directly to board level, but the first anyone outside of the board/shareholders of each company knew of the acquisition was on the day the companies joined up formally, on Mon 1st September 2008. 10 months to buy a company in the UK with a £20million turnover. Most recent one was my current company acquiring a rival which was completed in May this year. I was involved in part of the due diligence process, and was named on the NDA documents. The process started in Sept 2016. Cooled off between December and February, and then went to completion quickly. 9 months for us to buy a business with a £3 million turnover. The hunger for information as a football supporter unfortunately doesn't sway anything. Harsh to criticise BFC in my opinion. What purpose would disclosure of any information serve? Fully understand the thoughts with wanting to complete prior to the transfer window, but surely it's more important to get the deal through correctly, whenever that occurs, for the longer term benefit, than work to a short term (albeit important) deadline? There's too much at stake to risk breaking due process. We'll know when it happens or not, that's the only certainty.
How well thought out and mature. You have no idea. Do you not think that if it could just 'get signed' it would have? It's not as easy as that. You can't just put your name on a line and own a football club. Jesus wept.
Jesus doubt hes shook his head many a time too especially if he reads this board at