Our whole government system is based on the pretence that people who have money (or who have parents that have money), are better placed to rule us than anybody who has ever actually needed to get a proper job and live in the real world. I don't like that they get away with this in the first place, but it's a special case of Stockholm syndrome to expect the people that they've ruled for so long to accept that our overlords are just like us, but only if they make a mistake. Perhaps those who criticise down the pub could do better, and perhaps they couldn't. But the man on the street isn't getting paid the best part of a hundred grand a year. The man on the street isn't going to get a big office and a huge payday five years down the line. Most politicians are, and that's because they promised to take responsibility for those people. They told us they'd be better at it. Members of Parliament are not normal people. They were privileged to get into the position in the first place, they get paid an amount of money that's unimaginable for most working people in this country, and their job prospects when they step down are better than anybody else's. They get paid that, and they get those prospects, because they've convinced us that they can run things. They should own it.
Mate, there were 250,000 folk attending Cheltenham festival March 10 to 13. That was my last full week of working in the office and I remember conversations at the time about the absurdity of it considering what was happening in Italy etc. Football had to close itself down. This government were against it. I know this, because I supported that stance. I was against the lockdown. I (rightly or wrongly) supported the idea of the fit and healthy continuing their lives, and the government protecting the weak, elderly and vulnerable. But sporting events? They should have been canned end of February at the latest based on all available evidence. I've no idea - still - what was the right or wrong way to go in terms of the lockdown. I might have disagreed with it (and thus, agreed with the Tory ******* stance) at the start, but everything this government has done regards this pandemic is questionable at best. We are being routinely lied to. As someone already said, you would be more forgiving if there was any sense of responsibility, or admittance of mistakes. But they just keep digging. They're a useless bunch of ***** and it's a crying shame that idiots bought into their propaganda, willingly served up on a daily basis by the Sun, Mail, BBC and others and gave them another five years.
‘according to a European report recently published, the LOWEST Care home death rate in Europe. ‘ we have , as of 12th of May 12,000 Care home deaths , Germany have 3000 , maybe this European Report was quoting an old figure produced by the Care Home Association, an organisation representing private care homes . https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31199-5/fulltext