Now there is going to be a border.

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Marlon, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. sadbrewer

    sadbrewer Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2006
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    Sorry Jimmy but you need to grow up and stop putting out the insults, you also need to realise that there are people out there who have opinions that differ from your perceived wisdom.
    I didn't present them as fact, I presented them as what they are, dissenting Irish voices who clearly believe that Leo Varadkar bears some responsibility for using the situation to serve an electoral purpose....unless you live in Ireland and immerse yourself in the nuances of Irish politics I would say you are not qualified to pass an informed opinion....I'm certain The Irish authors I quoted have far superior knowledge to both yours and mine, to hysterically dismiss their writing as powder puff without an explanation as to why is frankly contemptible.
  2. Tarntyke

    Tarntyke Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    The scale of the troubles obviously went away but nothing like that ever goes away completely. Incidents are relatively minimal and must be kept that way so they are the exception not the norm. Fighting over ‘turf’ will not rally people to the scales of the past troubles. The Nazis and their allies were responsible for this country having a serious lack of adult male population in the 1940s and early 1950s, yet the current right-wing populists adopt our veterans and their memories to re-ignite everything they fought against. The world is truly sick
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  3. Jimmy viz

    Jimmy viz Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    It’s not an insult to ask you to be truthful. You are happy to brexit despite the cost to Ireland. Happy for people not to get the medicines they need. Happy for the poor to get poorer and the rich to make a killing because that will deliver something you want. Just own it and be open. Don’t hide behind imaginary technology or the occasional right wing opinion writer agreeing with you. Hiding is frankly pathetic and contemptible. Just be straight.

    I take no notice if Jeremy Clarkson’s views when he writes puff pieces because they are just that. You state there can be some imaginary technical solution there isn’t. You state that Irish voices dissent an occasional one does bit the Govts position is seen by most in both sides of the border as reasonable. You seek to blame the Irish for decisions we made. You state that we do not need a border when WTO rules. ( unless you remove all tariffs say we do). The tie for subterfuge is over.

    I’m sure when we brexit and it’s pretty ***** you’ll have someone else to blame.
    Fonzie likes this.
  4. Hom

    Homer Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Any border no matter what will affect the Irish lads. They will still smuggle beef etc and still pop over if fuel is cheaper
  5. sadbrewer

    sadbrewer Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2006
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    As usual from your posts Jimmy it is you that fails to address the issue...the problem I have here is that you have all the questions and perceived answers in your own Head...reasoned debate does not seem to penetrate fact if you read back on your posts you always seem to think you know the answers that other people are going to give.

    You are passing off serious articles presented in the Irish Mirror, Irish Independent and Radio Teilefis Eireann as right wing...simply because you haven't got a clue....or a counter argument to those Irish authors concerns. You then dismiss them as right wing because that is a convenient cheap jibe to make, and it saves you having to read the article, address the concerns and formulate a valid argument.
    It seems you fantasise and make assumptions about how other people think....the worrying thing is that you have convinced yourself it is all true. said

    "You are happy to brexit despite the cost to Ireland. Happy for people not to get the medicines they need. Happy for the poor to get poorer and the rich to make a killing because that will deliver something you want. Just own it and be open"

    You actually couldn't be further from the truth, but It fact seems certain, that in your mind it is factual.

    If you read my posts on here you will find that not one, ever has been right wing....nor do I ever quote right wing can throw it round as a slur as much as you like....but one thing I can guarantee is that you can't find a single post of mine that backs up your ludicrous and offensive assertion.
    As I said in the previous post if you wish to argue the case you must realise that the other person may well have an argument or opinion that you haven't already considered and adopted in your own mind as their reasoning...when in fact it is your reasoning and yours alone.

    I have been on this forum for a long time, and in that time I have appreciated that there are many intelligent, skilled , committed , and well reasoned posters...sadly you are not amongst them.

    Your regular resort to insults compounds that view and I will not be responding to any of your posts.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2019

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