I did think that but surely not for one pain I mean There’s a timetable and no trains after 23:45 anyway so would hardly need rail replacement buses
You can't rely on the passenger timetable for trains, the railway is open at all times unless the line is 'blocked'. Will be several weeks (~8-12) to get access into a pre-booked possession if one is available unless in an emergency. Line blocks overnight can be planned within a couple of days but that is dependent upon NR signing up to that method of working, the council/their contractor having suitably qualified staff to take the line block and the required paperwork being in place. Even simple things take a long time on the railway for good reason.
Better thread than the one I saw on Facebook. If 88 people said the lifts were open, 188 said "when are the lifts open", "it's not fair", etc. Anyhow, I actually voted Oakwell Way (I think) and noted above in the thread, but really, it should be Jumble Lane Bridge. *Goes to look into the history of why it was called Jumble Lane Crossing*
Yeah all sounds what I’m vaguely familiar with but we are talking a line when there are no trains overnight to change a pane of glass that may or may not be directly over the tracks( it’s one of the larger pieces), surely it could be swapped out in half an hour so with no trains for several hours( not sure about the odd freight train), to require a full shut down is just OTT red tape.
Yeah completely understand it would seem OTT and a lot of the time it can be frustrating, speaking as someone who works in the industry, but ultimately it's about removing the hazard of working over an open line. The optics of a shattered pane are bad but it would be outweighed by the off chance the glass could be dropped. I had a look at the glass last time I walked over and potentially the whole handrail across several panes could need taking off to get to the broken glass, wont be a 2 minute job I imagine. But yes I agree it should be able to be dealt with quicker than it has been.
Hopefully this link works but this is an example of what BMBC would have had to sign up to in order to construct/maintain the bridge as I understand it; https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...usg=AOvVaw3xLCxuzYu9dbjm_VgeLcgy&opi=89978449
I mostly agree with that but only problem is the glassworks carpark is at the other side so it could cause confusion. The glassworks bridge leads to a carpark but it's not the glassworks carpark. Market gate bridge works for me.