My reply was in response to the following: "I also disagree that we had no added pressure. We were just shy of the play offs with a £100m windfall in sight. We chalked **** on any chance of getting that and have instead seen us slide slowly downwards. We may not have gone up, probably wouldn't. We most likely aren't going down either but momentum will now not be taken into the new season. We will attract poorer quality players than a team who is around the playoffs, season ticket sales will not be as high, merchandise sales not as high etc and for a club posting a £1m loss who can't compete on wages then isn't that added pull for fans and players absolutely vital for us? If wages can't give us the edge on our rivals then league position has to and we threw that away by waiting till the summer where we are in a weaker position" I disagreed with you on the basis that the players that we will be signing are interested more in the facilities that we provide for developing young players, and the opportunity for game time that they will get, rather it having anything to do with momentum. The players that we are interested in will not be demanding large salaries because they will be coming to us for different reasons. Whilst I am interested in the loss that we made last season, I also know that the "bottom line" will respond better to the policy that is currently operated than it will to selling a few extra shirts. The problem with most of the suggestions to improve profitability is that they all affected turnover, but took no account of the costs associated with that turnover or the overhead costs that generating that turnover would attract. The net effect on the bottom line would be minimal as compared to a player sale.
We've still never replaced Neil Shipperley. Stan Ferenczi and Cogba came close but still nowhere near his class. A 25 year-old Shipps would be a great option to have even if he wasn't the quickest. That would be a more realistic type of signing than an Ashley Fletcher who has the complete package.
Your assumption is based on the theory that all young players have the same value and they don't. In league two you attract young players of one calibre, in league one it is another and in the championship another again. Whilst true that we will be able to attract some young players due to giving them a chance is it not logical to state that a higher calibre of young hungry players will be required in this league than in the last? Is it not also logical to state that the more promising youngsters will be in higher demand and therefore will want to try their hand at more attractive clubs? Does it not follow that being a higher placed club makes us more attractive? In short not all kids are equal.
Can't believe people are still banging on about Bogle. As mentioned by others it didn't seem we were even in for him and he's hardly set the championship alight has he? Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk
I do not disagree with you that we will be trying to attract a better 'raw material' than we have in the past. Where we disagree is in the importance that our final league position will play in the choice that a player will make between choosing to further his career with us, or with another club with perhaps not the same recent record. I believe that it will be much more important that we can point out that we took Alfie Mawson from Brentford for £x and sold him to Swansea for £y. That we took Connor Hourihane from Plymouth for £x and sold him to Villa for £y. That those two played most of our games and that they became better players as a result of that and the coaching they were given. And finally, it will be important to point out that we did not stand in their way when they got the opportunity to move on to bigger and better things. That we just looked for a fair reward for all our time and efforts. We will need a good CV if we are to attract the players we need at wages that we can afford. I believe our CV relies not upon our league position, but on our record of improving and selling on our best at the right time.
It doesn't matter whether it was Omar Bogle or Joe Bloggs. We were in negotiations with a striker and it fell through. A decent CEO might have got the Cameron McGeehan and Joe Bloggs deals over the line.
Perhaps people should stop directly referring to Omar Bogle then. Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk
It seems to me to have been a very good value time to buy for both Aston Villa and Sheffield Wednesday.
Yes because in summer when they were free they may not have been able to get them and in Wednesday's case for minimal outlay they were able to end the challenge of a play off rival.
My original point was a general one in which I said that January was a good time to sell, but summer was a better time to buy. I really do not want to get involved in conspiracy theories.
And people make the counter argument that as people enter the last 6 months of their contract it works both ways it as it is something we can also take advantage of ( as we did with Mowatt). Or that a club like Villa who have targeted a play may make the decision to go early to avoid getting outbid on wages later. Doesn't mean they are wrong and you and I (as I agree with you are right) There is no cnspiracy theory whatever happens with Wednesday and Winnall. The outlay in football terms was minimal it weakened us. They hope he will be a success if not they will sell him for more than they paid. Makes absolute sense from their point of view. I tend to agree with you that the summer is the time to buy at the same time It will be a massive taskk to recruit 12-15 new first team ready players in one go and it would have, perhaps, been bette to spread this if possible. The clubs attempt to sign Cameron Mcgheehan possibly shows that they realise this.
He never actually refused to play. just made it clear that he wanted to go to Wednesday. If it would have come to it or not, who knows.
we dont definitely know we didnt put a bid in for Messi either. I give up. Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk
Anyway back to the subject... who if anybody is out there who could fit into that 'number 9' target man role ? I suggest we keep an eye on the 3 Champship clubs who go down and even the clubs who struggle and only just stay up. But with the thought of a possible relegation scrap for us next season, would we be a tempting club for any of them to join!