To your mind, is that the only reason other clubs have managed to negotiate 12-19 times more for their top striker than we have?
Not quite accurate. Initial fees were for £11m JK and £9m Hogan. With promotion and goal add ons to potentially increase fee. Winnall was £1m with potential add ons taking it higher. The difference being 2 rich clubs selling players under longer contracts. If you have a valid point make it without having to inflate the figures. It's just like picking two completely random unrelated players in completely different contract situations, with clubs with different turnover or available capital. It's like me saying Robert Lewandowski - Free Zlatan Ibrahimovic - Free Sam "1 goal for Wednesday" Winnall - £2m "Something not quite right there" Understand people making a valid point. And the debate as to whether recouping £7m potentially up to £10m for selling Hourihane, Bree & Winnall in January rather than losing them all for free (or nominal tribunal fee for Bree) was worth it. Truth is no one knows if we would have done better with or without them. Personally think we probably would have picked up a few more points but not enough to get promoted. So taking the money was a good bet. Certainly one a club with our turnover was wise to take. If it means we can invest in 6 or 7 good players in the summer, when prices are more reasonable (or free transfers), then it may be brilliant business. No need to compare our situation with anyone else. The only relevant party in any discussion is Barnsley. Our position, our finances and our long term playing and financial planning.
So I'm just supposed to accept your figures am I? Even if I do accept them, that's still nine and eleven times more other clubs have received for a player of similar calibre. The fact they had longer contracts is sort of the point I'm making. To be honest, I saw your assessment of the squad yesterday and I can't take seriously anything you say.
Haha. Touchy touchy. Make up any figures you like to bash the club mate. I'm sure you know everything. The amount you bang on about how badly it's run, you must be very successful in life.
Haha my post that said I'd rather we didn't play Scowen on the wing like the person I replied to suggested? Move him to Centre Mid and play Hedges or Williams on the wing? Would rather live in your depressed world mate
Might have been that thread but that's not the post I'm referring to. I'm positive me. Positive we can do better. It's people who accept anything and say we can't achieve greater targets who are negative.
At the time he was sold, Winnall was the best as his tally was more than the other strikers combined. Last chance - is the fact that he wanted a transfer the only reason we got such a pathetic sum?
So firstly thank you for accepting he wasn't our best striker. Other reasons were he was refusing to sign a further deal those circumstances wouls have seen him leave for free. No unless You were prepared to fact up the shortfall Why are you even questioning it
I've just said Winnall was the best in the post you have quoted. Your other reason is the first and only reason you have given so I have no idea why you are saying "other reasons".