No worries, I was only trying to establish why you think this is political. I don't buy into conspiracy theories, I never have, I believe in facts and evidence, so I don't believe there is any credence in any of this. But he has been found not guilty in a court of law so he is innocent, I won't argue with that. I just don't believe that women would stand up in court and lie like this to damage somebody so permanently over politics, not so many women. I just can't believe they would do that. And as for Princess Diana, well I don't know if you are serious or not. I mean besides from there being no evidence whatsoever that her death was orchestrated by the government there is also the issue of us having a Tory government but she died under a Labour government.
As many know I said that the young woman who was found guilty of making a false allegation in Greece should have been named. In this situation I think it's totally different and they shouldn't be. They haven't been found guilty of lying, making a false allegation or anything. All that's happened is that they've found him not guilty which means they can't prove it happened or that they believe it may have happened but not how they say. For example the woman genuinely believes she didn't consent and Alex salmons genuinely believes she did. He read the situation wrong but that doesn't mean he intended to commit a crime. Likewise though that doesn't mean that she is being dishonest in her accusation. Horrible situation for all concerned. For him IF he did not intend anything and has been accused of the worst crimes and for the ladies because they had to go through it in the first place and now again in court essentially for nothing.
Cases like this with multiple complainants are difficult to defend owing to the unlikely coincidence that all of them are independently lying about their experiences at the the hands of the defendant. To misread the signs once may be understandable, twice careless but 9 times...must be guilty! Salmond’s defence ran a mixture of didn’t happen and politically motivated misrepresentation of consensual liaisons, the latter involving alleged collusion between some of the supposed victims. I have to say that I thought there was a stink about the whole thing, a political element, a witch hunt whiff and some rather bizarre allegations which would, if stand alone, have never made it through the court door. In my experience juries tend to get verdicts right in the vast majority of cases and I think they did so here. It should never be that sexual allegations must be believed at face value as many appear to advocate these days. Down that road lie injustice and bad convictions based on prejudice rather than careful assessment of the evidence in each individual case. I’m no fan of Salmond but having seen him dragged through the mud I see no reason whatsoever why his accusers should not be identified in light of the verdicts of the jury.
There will always be a number of political beliefs in high profile politicians being accused of just about anything be they labour, conservative, liberal or SNP you have only to take the army shooting bullets at posters of Corbyn ho but how don a bit the armys neutral when it comes to politics.