People who don't indicate on roundabouts - those people will be first against the wall when I take over.
Got in a taxi once and the driver went straight through a red light. When I complained, he said, "It's ok,my brother does it all the time." A bit further on and he did it again. I said, "You could have killed us both there." He said, "No, I'm telling you, my brother does it all the time." The next set of lights were green, but he came to a stop regardless. Confused, I said, "Why have you stopped, the lights are green." He said, "I'm just being careful.... My brother might be coming the other way."
People who cannot do a journey without their Sat Nav. Or even worse people who obviously don’t have a clue where they’re going and then go the wrong way against all logic because they’ve put it in a satnav.
Taxi drivers who take kids in their axis but don’t have car seats for them I saw a driving instructor going up Dodworth rd whilst on her phone last week
people who dont indicate, and those w*nkers that slow right down going through a green light or leave 10 car lengths between them and the vehicle in front when approaching a green light or standing traffic
And can I just add (as a motorcyclist) folk on the A64 to Scarborough who deliberately block bikes from filtering when the traffic is stood/ slow moving. I usually find its the middle aged dads in crap cars or 20 year old 4x4’s heavily tattooed nannan arms and a blubbery wife, most folk will move over and I always thank them with a wave but for some reason this type rarely do
People who insist on taking the first available parking space when there are quite obviously loads of available spaces slightly further on. So everyone has to wait for one car to do a six point parking drill, when they could all be getting on with parking, if aforementioned driver had just moved up a bit further. Selfish.
Selfish drivers... unfortunately most are nowadays... a little courtesy, and forethought generally gets you there quicker anyway. My two main gripes are. 1 People in the outside lane on Dearne Valley Parkway, just because they’re turning left in two roundabouts time 2 filter lanes. Normal people queue in the left lane, whilst the self important German car drivers push in...
I think most have been covered by now, but up vote from me for 1. Middle lane hogs. It's almost become the norm and it drives me batty. I see people join an empty motorway down a slip road and pull straight into the middle lane. I'd remove their license. This is by some distance my number one hate. 2. Drivers who drive up my arse and flash for me to move. Just NO. 3. People who double park. I usually find it's the ones who can't reverse into parking spaces so drive in forwards, with the lack of manoueverability that entails. Take your test again if you can't reverse a bloody micra. 4. People who speed down the closing lane to filter in at the last second, because they think we are all sat in line for the good of our health.
To be honest, my geography knowledge of this country is excellent and I only need sat nav when heading somewhere new for the last couple of miles. But I always use it, even for driving home, just to get the en route traffic updates and an accurate ETA for arriving.
My mrs was driving car with the neighbour opposite us one day in the M62. She overtook a truck then moved back to the inside lane much to the surprise of our neighbour who genuinely thought that lane 1 was only for trucks and cars had to use the other two lanes
That will often be due to auto wipers. Mine sometimes go mad, thinking that it's a monsoon and flap so fast you'd think they were going to fly off. Just stop them and restart them and they reset to a proper speed.
One further one - people who put their fogs on when there is a wisp of mist in the air and then leave them on for a week.
It's the reliance on it that does my head in. We're becoming a nation of people with no clue of north vs south. Which reminds me of a Barnsley away trip to Shrewsbury, with the Hoyland Star, when I was only about 13. The bus driver had instructions written on a piece of paper. M1 A38, A5. So off we went, down the A38, past Derby, then picked up the first bit of A5 he found..... south eastbound! Soon the signs were for Coventry rather than Shrewsbury. It took a 13 year old girl to head up to the front of the bus to sort it out.
My daughter in law had a go at my son, wondering why he was constantly swapping lanes, but then she is one of those who are petrified of motorways and won't ever change lanes. She nearly totalled them all once when she refused to pull into lane 2 when a lorry was joining from the slip to let him in. I won't get in a car when she's driving.
I give the f*ckers a blast of full beam when they do that, tends to be boy racers. Their car doesn't look any cooler with fogs on, they just look like total bellends.
Police were supposed to be tightening up on middle lane drivers etc. but I've never seen someone get pulled for it.
My mate used to be a logistics manager and sent a crew to Lancaster and they were late back. When he asked them what went wrong they told him that coming back out to the M6, the signs pointed M6 North and M6 South. So they headed M6 North because "we live in the north". Last seen heading to Scotland.