Drivers who slow down when they see you wanting to cross the road. By the time they pass there is traffic coming the other way. It's so frustrating.
Dont mind anybody doing wot they do as long as they stick to speed limit [ or faster ], doing 30 in a 60 and especially doing 40 on the fooooking Motorway wots all that abart foooookin RETARDS. Sorry for abruptness but drivers like this mek my blood boil.
While driving excessively slow can cause problems, you shouldn't expect people to just drive at the "limit"at all times. There a lots of reasons to go a little be slower. Weather, parked cars, side streets, narrow roads, pedestrians, cyclists, horses. I agree 30 in a 60 would be too slow if no other factors involved. But for example if someone gets right up dangerously close to me I slow down, I won't be bullied into going faster and I don't want idiots driving into the back of me at 30 mph
Quite right too. I drive at 30 in a 30 zone. If the driver behind can't allow a suitable stopping distance, then I drop my speed so that it matches the gap they've left. If that winds them up or makes them late, they only have themselves to blame. I'm retired, doesn't bother me how long it takes to get anywhere. Young lasses with chips on their shoulders seem to be the worst culprits.
I'd add to that those who refuse to use the sat nav, when they are clearly lost. (My ex girlfriend comes to mind).