No need to get personal Andy - just because I think Blink 182 are ****. In any case, is people's taste in music a reflection of their personality? If so I'd manage Blink fans to be mardy so and sos who flounce off in a strop at the slightest word.
I saw a video of Elvana the other day. In a nut shell it's a bloke impersonating Elvis singing a mix up of Elvis & Nirvana tracks. Blue suede heart shaped box etc. Bit of a joke act, but the backing band aren't half bad.
Hardly personal. More a joke. Which is why I called myself childish in the same post. Can’t speak for all blink fans but I love a good strop. I’m a big kid. Like I say, it’s why I love blink.
Stokesley gym, 7am this morning, flogging my guts out on the cross trainer when my shuffle served up Blink 182 Carousel, Sonic Youth Sugar Kane and AC/DC Whole LottaRosie - gave me wings!