It is very sad that many local business like yours have struggled and may die, but you have no right to have a go at people for eating in a chain restaurant if they wish to. And as eluded to, those are in the main locally owned franchises anyway. I wish you all the luck and success possible moving forward, I really do - but don’t take your frustration out on folk going out spending as they are being encouraged to. It isn’t our fault what has happened to you. I believe you are in the DJ trade? Not really my area of expertise, but look at it this way. If you were offered some long term gigs for yourself and other DJ’s under you at, I don’t know, several Tiger Tiger’s or whatever chain brand, would you turn the work down as you wanted to work exclusively in individually and locally owned independent clubs and pubs?
Hi, glad you know nothing about either area of business, as I do. People that work for me get proper pay. People that work for Tiger Tiger, KFC, etc do not. This is before I look at their impact on pollution & animal welfare. Actually look at things rationally. If you think a franchise is really something you would do & sleep at night, then OK. The reason some of us in the music industry are on universal credit & going to food banks is because we believe in keeping things independent & not working for the man. If you don't support us, fair play **** off to KFC.
Hi John i support my local business i spend as much as i can local so dont assume you know anything about my spending habits. I work 2 minutes off a KFC and its the 1st time i've been there in 3 and half years. Have a nice day.
Hi, mate all I'm saying is I've been self employed for 25 years. If you search for a DJ on google sites like Bark come up. They are not agencies. They are companies that buy up adwords on Google and then pass the leads on to the lowest bidder. You'll never see a review about their services. They are rip off merchants. I'm talking about my life & lot's of people's lifes, not my breakfast. If anyone with a KFC / Subway franchise can come on here & tell me it isn't really a job, not being self employed I'll be surprised.
I've no problem with that. Do not think that is an independent business though, that puts money back into the town. Those businesses are getting driven out by this Tory shower.
If an independent business doesn’t offer something I want then they don’t get my money, it’s as simple as that. I can only spend it once and if KFC are offering 9 pieces of chicken for £3 that I know I like, then I’m going to get that* not take a punt on a £9 sandwich that I’ve seen some independent cafes charging. I know you’re going to be mad at this but the main thing I wouldn’t want to close in Headingley is the KFC, I’ve been to quite a few in my time and that one is the nicest by far. It’s funny because I had this exact conversation with my husband yesterday where I’d seen people saying ‘use them or lose them’ about businesses and as I don’t use the others in normal times then I’m not too bothered if I lose them and they turn into something else (that I might actually use). I accept it’s not nice for someone to lose their job and business so that part is sad but I don’t actually care whether that place itself is open or not as I’ve never stepped foot in it and I can’t singlehandedly save all the hundreds of places I’ve never been to anyway. I am worried the gelato place might close as it’s so big the rent must be high and they rely on summer custom heavily I would expect. I’m not ready to eat out yet but I’ve been considering just buying something from them and not eating it to give them the money, then I thought surely it’s better to just give them the money and not take any food if I’m not eating it but I’m too shy to do that. It’s not on having a go at people for spending their hard earned on what they personally like though. *I didn’t as it happens as I didn’t know it was on offer for that price and I’m not eating out anywhere atm.
Go for it. Support a US franchise that has no morals. Some great little businesses in Headingley going under, You are obviously a good person, just asking you to think. Lockdown has seen Amazon, Ebay & all these businesses go through the roof. Local business totally screwed. TBH I'm planning on putting a gun to my head before long as fascism will be completed by the end of Boris's term. People are lapping up the **** these ******* are dishing out.
Whoa there mate. Please don't do anything stupid. Times are tough, i get that, but, please talk to someone
My Mrs works on the other side of the counter and she’ll be glad when it’s ended, she works at the white bull at cannon hall farm and the amount of abuse she gets is unreal, the stories she tells me is unbelievable,
Post removed as subsequent posts suggest you really aren’t in a good place John and I’ve no desire to contribute to you feeling any worse. Please seek help.
I'm not thinking that deeply about it to be honest. I'm not stuffing my face with fried chicken to 'support a US business', I'm doing it to eat something I like for a price I can afford. I also don't really care where the business is based, I don't think people who live near me are automatically more deserving than someone who lives far away. The simple fact is, if the business offered something I wanted, I would go there, if it doesn't, I don't. It's up to the business to attract me in, it's not up to me to spend all my money at the hundreds of small businesses in Headingley alone, despite the fact that I don't even want what they are selling whilst ignoring the things that I do like. All that will happen then is I'll be skint and the stuff I do want will disappear. I have a limited amount of money, I can either spend a small amount somewhere I like and help keep that open (even if it is a franchise of a larger company) or spend a lot more of it keeping open something I have no interest in.
Slow down, your anger and frustration is going to a very dark place pal. There’s one thing having a go at people on a forum for buying kfc - I think I’ve made it clear my thoughts on that, but there’s quite another thinking of self harm. You don’t need to go there. Speak to someone, please. Call 116 123. It’s free.
The lack of a **** you care does not surprise me. Unless I talk of self harm you don't care at all. I thought this forum was worth something. Bye. x
is farm and playground and eating areas fully open as it was pre-covid ? Do you have to book to go - numbers restricted ?? Cheers!
Mate I totally get how its affecting you and I'm beginning to see more folk using local businesses. Issue is small and medium size businesses are going to need to offer courier services and that market is owned by big businesses with no morals.
£500m was estimated to be the cost of the eat out exercise and people want it to continue. Who pays for it. The big co’s were seeing massive footfall after restrictions were lifted. Outlets like MacDonalds coining it in. Yet now. sales through the roof. Should have been classed like all takeaways and not eat in. I’m all for reinvigorating the economy but not increase the already mounting profits of outlets like MacDonalds. KFC etc. What about the small independent takeaways who do not gain from this offer. My biggest fear after all this will be who will suffer most. There will be such massive unemployment. people will be fighting over massively reduced wages to gain employment. The living wage has to be brought in Do away with the minimum wage. Altogether. Companies will be having a race to the bottom. Take or leave it. Someone else will . Never has the ragged trousered philanthropist been more relevant in today’s society for if and when we try to get back to some sense of normality. And for those of you who still believe in Toryism. You are in for a rude awakening. I genuinely fear for younger generations. Poverty like we’ve not seen for 100yrs. The Jarrow marchers. Et al. Yet The top 5 richest families in the uk have more wealth than the bottom 13 MILLION. Food for thought. Help the small local independent retailer not The huge franchises. Someone on here said they don’t use small independents and will not start now. This is the time to take the rose tinted spectacles off. The ones that charge extortionate prices will have to cut their cloth but there are loads out there charge reasonable prices. Give em a helping hand not the likes of MacDonalds. They’ll survive without the offer.
The indoor play area is closed but outdoor Play area and farm are open, you’re definitely better off booking a table if you’re wanting to eat mate, I think a few things are limited but the website will give you more info.