Honestly mate, people do care. Nobody likes supporting these multinational conglomerates, but sometimes there's no choice. They do keep people employed and while it's not ideal, a lot of people would be ****** if they suddenly went out of business. As JamDrop has said, supporting local business that don't offer what you want, or offer it far too expensively is impossible for the vast majority of people. Let us know you're ok. Please.
You sum up my feelings perfectly. I am not a charity, and I (obviously) won't give anything to the businesses I don't use. If the businesses I don't use go under, it's really not for me to be shedding tears. The demise of such a business means no more to me than (say) the death of a celebrity I've never heard of whose name pops up when I am reading the news.
I've replied to you before about the dire straights our family business is in after 43 years of trading, so I'm in the same boat. The lack of understanding and empathy from people in full time guaranteed employment amazes me. I get the usual, 'stay strong', 'it'll all work out ', ******** drives me mad cos it's just meaningless words that actually has no positive impact on me but the orator gets some sort of satisfaction from giving the useless advice . What I've done Peachy is a bit of volunteering, also helping my mate out labouring so basically keeping busy, cos it takes my mind off the **** storm. I've got 15 staff still on furlough who are obviously worried and desperate to know about their futures that I can't guarantee, some who have been with us for 20+ years. Stay off the ale pal, get out walking, get mixing with the general public, don't hide away. The park bench is for dog walkers only . And stay away from KFC it's ****.