You do realise that's not how the legal system works in civilised Western democracies? It's how they do things in lawless places controlled by terrorist groups, where they espouse medieval ideology, and hand out medieval punishments.
Well she hasn't been arrested or charged in Syria has she? She's looking to contest the revocation of her citizenship, which is obviously under English jurisdiction.
Never ? Of course I do, I am expressing what I would like to happen to her. I dont think she " deserves" anything
I find that it's the people who spout the most angry ***** about other places that are also the most keen to make us exactly like those places. E.g. 'I hate Syria because they stone people - let's stone her!' It's hard to believe that people are actually arguing for a person to be stripped of their citizenship and brutally murdered without even the chance of a fair trial. (Not that anyone should be murdered after a trial either but you know what I mean).
I think most people want her stripped of her citizenship tbh, I have no faith in our judicial system whatsoever. she would most possibly get 20 years and be out on licence after 10. If somebody killed say my kids I would be all for killing them after a " fair trial" if found guilty.
It doesn't matter that he'll lose - the law being upheld will be seen by most as 'woolly liberals getting their own way' rather than 'cynical populist move by home secretary who knew he was acting unlawfully'
Pretty sure I did this last time and failed to get a rebuttle, so at the risk of repeating myself... She was groomed and brainwashed to go live in a war zone for 4 years whilst being abused by jijadi nut jobs, who made her pregnant several times. All of this began when she was legally a child, a young girl who should have been playing with her mates and studying at school. You'd have to be particularly dense or dare I say, racist, to blame a 16 year old Muslim child instead of the sick jijadi child abusers who fed her a stream of nonsense. Let's pretend she was a white girl who was groomed and raped by Muslim men in say.... Bradford. Hands up who'd be saying it was her choice, her free will, her decision? Anyone?
Just for clarity - she hasn't started this process - it's been launched by the lawyers 'on her behalf'.
Agreed. It's about common law. Once precedents are set, that's it. It's a minefield, but there for everyone's welfare
In fact if you follow the secret barrister linked to earlier in this thread you will see that Legal aid is actually hard to come by especially if you have a bit of spare cash or its a case not covered by it. What is particularly irksome though it the way the tabloid press have launched a vendetta against it with headines implying that Murderers are getting the cash when first of all until the trial we dont know if they are the real criminals - the police have on occasion been known to charge the wrong people, and second they dont see a penny of it anyway that goes to the legal team who contrary to popular opinion are not highly paid when working on legal aid cases.
She probably won't get 20 years unless she is charged with murder, multiple rape or committing a terrorist act in the UK. Unless you have evidence saying otherwise, then she has not committed any of those offences. She could be charged with other offences, and face a trial - although her lawyers will have the argument about facing a fair trial due to the media coverage. Most people think that she should be punished within the means of the law following a fair trial and (only after) conviction by a jury of her peers, and not arbitrarily punished on the whim of a politician who is breaking the law to strengthen a leadership bid. A bit more info on the case . According to her lawyers begum and her friends were interviewed at school by counter terror police over another girls exodus to Syria . The police then failed to directly notify her parents over the interviews , merely trusting the girls to deliver a letter to their parents personally . A bit of an oversight if you ask me .