Would love this to happen but those who don't work in the industry make it sound a hell of a lot easier than it is. The minute you open something all year round your fixed costs spiral. One almighty effort to break even on something like this in Barnsley, and would massively rely on events, but not impossible. Has to be part of a West Stand remodel though to generate enough PR to get it off on the right track. Doing it bit part within the existing structure would be doomed for failure. Maybe now the relationship with the council is on the mend they might look at a more permanent structure somewhere within the grounds of Oakwell. Hasn't been an option for the club in the past as licensing was a no - which is why the jeers and boos around the FanZone are slightly unfair. Especially given how many more people are catered for vs. anytime in the last 30 years, even if it isn't amazing or everyone's cup of tea.
Those stands were paid for out of transfer fees though weren't they Marlon. And we were doing ok for crowds. I'm not saying don't improve per sè. But those things quoted wouldn't be at the top of the agenda for me. I'm guessing the west stand and it's facilities probably need a massive makeover. Digital advertising has its costs and am a I right in thinking it's already in place and in use. Not as folk thought just for a tv game. And is probably cost effective on its return. If a scoreboard with advertising provided a profit then fair enough. And if so why the delay. The fan experience is not all its cracked up to be for me mate. But would you think if the results on the pitch are poor. people would attend. Fan zone apart.
The BM stand was budgeted by the sale of Ashley Ward I think but the others were inflicted on us by the FA who gave some clubs more time than us as per the Taylor report from the Hillsborough inquest . We did get some sort of Grant but I don’t think it was much but Crowds weren’t that good for the second tier at that time , In fact it was only the latter part of our promo season where crowds significantly increased if memory serves .
They spent the full grant on the East Stand when it was supposed to be over the costs of getting the whole stadium up to scratch. I often look at the old Ayresome Park and think Oakwell might look like that now had the money been spent equally.
Didn’t they move away from Ayresome Park ? I seem to recall some sort of fallout about the size of the grant and the time to get it done for all seater when other clubs for years after we’re still using standing .
Wasn't the west stand paid for by the lad who went to forest mate. Forgot his name, itll come back to me. ( not currie)
You mean the East Stand , Carl Tyler ?no don’t think so as it was a case of we had to do it as in my post above .
I honestly think a couple of fans with Gas BBQ's could do a better job than our current catering effort. I'll go to the van outside the ground rather than pay over the odds for what I know will be low quality tepid junk. When the catering induces not only apathy but positive resistance it is a clear an indication as possible that it has to go/be replaced. No offence intended to the guys that give up their time for the Fans Zone but I lost an East Stand Car Park pass for two pop up Gazebos. If they're serious about a fan zone I can't believe a more permanent structure can't be found with all the land around the ground. That means expense though, but I went along to the fans zone the very first day and it wasn't for me. When the local competition is heated full enclosed bars, you either have to be serious and built something capable of competing or accept you can't and move on. A couple of soggy windswept gazebos isn't competition. Just because that reads harsh - I am absolutely not having a pop at the lads who give up their time to do it, you do more than me and there is nothing personal intended in that at all.
This with Bells on it. There is never a right time let’s be honest and we have to start looking past our 4 walls if we are serious about anything regarding better experience or attracting new fans or business partners. With that being said I made the post to gauge what hypothetically people would do to improve anything they seem fit Regardless of ‘what happens in the pitch needs to be right first’ Gallup mentioned there’s nothing really wrong with the hospitality suites and no there isn’t in general but they could be so much more as well like he said there is some unbelievable suites around the country why can’t we at least try a little. I’m not saying to have it like Tottenham’s new stadium but we need to aim higher. What incentive is there for an outside business to hire our suites for a private function other than it overlooks the pitch? If you aren’t a fan you wouldn’t care less but there is a market you just need to appeal to it.
Again thinking bigger picture long term or dreaming however you interpret it, replace or repaint the cladding around Oakwell, that corrugated dull cream is looking extreamly old and dated now and we are in need of a ‘e-fit’ Re do the Barnsley Football Club sign maybe have the lettering white in a black background with red lighting behind the lettering there’s a huge dead space in the Ponte stand maybe for a screen to that and on matchdays show classic games vs who we are playing that day, show goals show club sponsors adverts,show merchandise deals, current ticket prices, have offers for last minute executive packages for the game. The list is endless it noisy mess some one to think bigger than little old barnsley and everything is just ‘ok’
When I spoke to Neerav and Andrew Clark I suggested they should look to open a supporters bar off site in the glass works that works 7days a week rather that just match days