We are exactly the same with ours, we will go out for a walk or bike ride for an hour leaving the dog at home on her own.
I work from home & have an elderly, adopted Jack Russell. Been with me nearly a year now. He can’t do steps or always control his toilet, but is generally low maintenance. I was thinking about setting up a web cam to see how he is, when I do have to leave him alone. But am fairly sure he just mooches about & goes back to his bed. I can’t remember what it’s like to have a puppy. I leave that to people with kids, & just adopt old ones nobody else wants. Always Jacks. Have buried 3 in the last 4 years. My Mam’s Cairn terrier Robbie, my beloved JRT, Ellie, who I’d had for 18 years & Ben JRT a very sad rescue, who came to me for his last 2 years with awful dementia. Soon, Alfie will join them in my garden at Wentworth. Then, depending on lockdown restrictions, I might have some time to myself, but most likely just adopt in another old terrier. It’s what I do. Someone has to..
My daughter got a dog at 8 weeks old and has had it 8 weeks. She reckons it's been harder work than the kids, but now it's over the worst and well worth the perseverance.
When we got our Cockapoo Stanley he was an effing nightmare, just none stop bounding energy and chewing stuff. He’d chew summat, get told off then run under sofa where I couldn’t get him and bark at me. It gradually got better and was great after about 6 months of hard toil. People don’t realise how hard puppies are. He’s nearly 4 now and a brilliant dog who’s been amazing with our new born. We send him to doggy day care twice a week because he loves it so much and means that he gets loads of attention which he’s sometimes lacking at home, not that he’s neglected by any stretch but we can’t give him hours of play time like we used to now we’ve a baby in the house.
Got a rescue lurcher around 14 months ago. Was either treated badly or just not socialised so has trust issues with most humans (excluding us). Didn't get her as a pup so not had the issues around needing constant attention and play (she basically sleeps 15 hours a day). So thankful for that. However, has always had issues with separation anxiety. Tried building her up slowly to start but would only get to about an hour before she'd start chewing on the living room door. Now we give her the run of the house when left alone and although she's not happy (stands staring out the window) at least she's not damaging the house or herself. If you have got a pup during lockdown I really recommend putting the effort in early to try and get him/her used to being alone, as it caused us quite a lot of stress prior to the pandemic when we had to had to leave the house more frequently. Despite all her issues though, she's kept us going throughout the pandemic and it's been a joy to watch her become more confident. Couldn't get her out the front door to start with and now she's out in the field playing with her doggy mates every day.
Have you tried any puzzle toys? You can make your own snuffle mats or buy ready made toys such as the Nina Ottosson or Kong ones. Tiring our their brain is as important as tiring out their legs, infact I'd say it gets them tireder quicker.
Very good suggestion JD. We did lots of games with Stanley and he loved them, we've a couple of the Nina Ottosson ones but he never took to anything by Kong. We used to play hide and seek a lot in the house with him and he used to love that, one of us upstairs and the other downstairs and just keep shouting him so he had to find us behind doors etc. It's great fun and tired him physically and mentally, although might not have been the best for his joints up and down the stairs! Other things we'd do, and still do, is hide a load of little treats around a certain room and get him to sniff them out, make some really easy to find then others more difficult.
Upto you what youd have them do. She takes him out with his little firm for an hour and its social play time for him with other dogs while we were at at the office grafting. Even with being at home he still get out and about a couple of time a week. He doesnt even wait for the van door to open he runs right into it. Shes quite happy if you just wanted her to let the hound out for a piss in the yard. I still walk miles with him as well.