I'd imagine he's enjoying his birthday and scratching his head as to why so many folk are drama queens.
Some folk would take their cars to bed, if they could.. I wonder what the attendance would be if it took 4 buses/trains to get to games. & a 15 quid cab fare for a night match.? Like it does me.. Any rooerd, this is a thread about match day tickets, or the unexplained lack of them..
Is it simply a case that we’re near to selling out? I’ve had a look on the e-ticketing site and while I couldn’t be bothered to count it looked to me like there were maybe 200 tickets left in the east stand and perhaps 100 or so in the Ponte. Perhaps it just makes the logistics of it all easier not having pay on the day? I don’t know of course just thinking out loud. That doesn’t explain why you can’t get a ticket of course in the West Stand. Maybe limited capacity due to it dropping to bits?
He comes on here in good faith as a fan and will help people out when he can but IMO if you have an issue contact the club directly, not creating threads demanding him help you. It is taking the piss out of someone's already kind nature.
This is bad planning by the club - having an employee who has a birthday the day before the first home match of the season. We ned an explanation as to how this has been allowed to happen.
Bad planning by the club or selfish by whitey? Beth wouldn't have a birthday the day before the season starts